Saturday, September 7, 2024

Political Campaign Spending 9-7-24

Political campaign spending is out of control. The bulk of the money goes to political hit ads on TV. George Soros spent $300 million each to get Ossoff and Warnock elected to the Senate in Georgia. Outside money is the problem. If campaign contributions were limited to Voters Only for those who appear on their Ballot, all candidates would be on an even footing and the Politicians would actually work for the Voters. 

Political spending in the 2016 election totaled $15 billion.

Political spending in the 2018 election totaled  $5.7 billion

Political spending in the 2020 election totaled $14.4 billion.

Political spending in the 2022 election totaled $4.8 billion collected and $4.1 billion spent.

A confusing matrix of FEC Rules limiting campaign contributions is displayed on:

Soros navigates around the FEC Rules by donating campaign contributions to hundreds of Non-Profits, who in turn give his money to his candidates.

This allows “outside money” to buy millions of dollars in TV ads. That’s how Soros funded all the big city District Attorneys to stop prosecution of criminals. Soros also funded both Democrat Senate Candidates in Georgia in 2020 and 2021. Soros is the investor who crashed the British Pound and founded the Open Borders movement. He lives in New York and needs to be deported to Moscow.

Congress needs to pass new laws on campaign contributions to eliminate outside money and require candidates to set up a web page with their complete resume and their positions on all issues before they are allowed to be accepted as candidates.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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