Thursday, September 26, 2024

Rational World View 9-27-24

We know that Earth experienced a 1-degree F cooling period from 1880 to 1930. If the Earth moves to a colder climate period following the 1 degree F warmer climate that began in the 1940s, we can continue to assume that we are in no immediate danger from “Climate Change”. That will bring further evidence that warming and cooling is continuing to appear in sustainable cycles. 

The current threat of the alliances between China, Russia, Iran and N Korea may or may not lead to World War III.  If we elect Trump in 2024, we will know if total economic isolation will damage these counties enough to give up their aggressive activities. If the US can increase oil and natural gas production and increase supply and force a price reduction we will weaken Russia and Iran economically enough to abandon their aggressive activity. We will have further evidence that total economic isolation can replace war.

If we reshore US manufacturing, we will further weaken China’s ability to fund further expansion. During this period of sanctions, China, Russia, Iran and North Korea will continue to trade with each other, but trade with the “West” will not occur. We expect that most countries in Europe and Asia will continue trade with the US and its allies and observe the US sanctions. We expect mining to increase in the US and in these Western-friendly countries to replace minerals currently being purchased from China and Chinese controlled countries in Africa.

I expect delays in AI Cloud implementation until the US adds another 1000 natural gas power plants and builds several nuclear power plants to develop the electricity AI will require. In the meantime “machine learning” using AI will continue unabated.

The facts on the ground suggest that Trump will be reelected in 2021. Left-Wing views were forced to take a back-seat from 1980 to 1989 and from 2016 to 2020. I expect this will happen again from 2024 to 2028 and beyond. This may remove the political division in the US. The Democrats will have an opportunity to move their policies to the middle and survive. We prefer a 2-party system in the US and should outlaw Marxism in the US. The Federal Government should retreat and use thel 10th Amendment to move powers the States. This should include Education, EPA, Labor and other Agencies States can handle.

All laws should be reviewed, revised, simplified, updated and replaced. Protests should be removed from streets, highways, commercial and residential areas and confined to convention centers. The media should attend these protest rallies and report on them. This will give them “free speech” guaranteed in the US Constitution.

State should begin to limit campaign contributions to Voters only to remove “outside money”, TV ads and expense. Candidates would need to post their resumes and positions on issues before they are allowed to apply to become candidates. Government is responsible for supporting the Private Sector to function without interference. A rational right to Privacy should be protected. The right to self defense is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment.

Education needs to be focused on the skills citizens will need to prepare them to function as adults. Social activist indoctrination is not a legitimate pursuit in Schools or Colleges. Non-Occupational courses should not be included in the curriculum. Students can learn these on their own time on the internet.  

The Earth doesn’t have the money to fix itself. The Climate Change Hoax is insisting on the immediate removal of CO2. There is no evidence suggesting that this is an immediate need. Our choices in energy should be dictated by costs and reliability. Natural Gas is the right choice until other cheap energy sources can be developed. All energy sources will require maintenance and replacement. The cost of building Wind Turbans in Oceans is prohibitive. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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