Monday, September 2, 2024

Restoring Peace 9-3-24

When we increase oil and gas production in the US, we will lower the global prices. Russia and Iran will have less revenue to engage in terrorism and war. The wars in Ukraine and Israel will stop. We will replace war with total economic isolation of Russia and Iran. Reshoring manufacturing from China will reduce China’s Nominal GDP and end their expansion. This should end their plans to take over Taiwan. China is overleveraged and have overspent. They are the victims of their own tyranny. 

Trump has proven that war can be replaced with total economic isolation for bad actors. He will reinstall sanctions on Iran and Russia and increase oil and gas supplies to lower their global costs. This will reduce revenue for Iran and Russia and end their ability to fund wars and terror attacks. Trump will reduce US manufacturing in China by lowering the US corporate tax from 21% and expanding Tariffs on Chinses imports.

China will continue to buy oil and gas from Russia and Iran, but China’s GDP growth will diminish due to lower manufactured product imports to the US.

The US will restore military capability as Trump replaces the current Woke leadership with capable leaders. Trump will propose a missile defense system for the US and use Special Ops to eradicate Drug Cartels from South America. Trump will deport all illegals who entered the country from 2021 to 2024 to restore US jobs in 2025. Trump will end “sanctuary cities and states and end all violent and disruptive protests in the US.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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