Saturday, September 21, 2024

US Political Eras 9-21-24

In the 1800s, the US was expanding and the government was focused on establishing US borders from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and establish relations with Canada and Mexico to dissuade invasions. Settling the Western States and law and order became priorities. The railroads replaced the covered wagon and settling the West accelerated. The US government was funded by Tariff Revenue with intermittent Income Tax to pay down war debt. There was no inflation. 

In the 1900s, the US government became involved with foreign wars in Europe that began with selling military equipment to allies in World War I and World War II. The invention of the automobile enabled farmers to deliver their own produce to market. The invention of the air plane enabled faster travel and was integrated into the Military. In 1913, the US government established the Income Tax to replace Tariff funding. Inflation began with the creation of the Federal Reserve System to establish a “Managed Economy” using the Fabian Socialist Managed Economy model.

In 1914 World War I began in Europe. In 1917, the US government entered World War I and it ended in 1918.

In the 1920s, investors over-bought Stocks and Stocks became over-valued. In 1929, the Stock Market Correction became the Stock Market Crash. Sales dropped and employees were laid off. Investors who had anticipated the correction bought assets at bargain prices. The Great Depression resulted in 25% unemployment and lasted from 1929 to 1941. The US entered World War II in 1941 and US manufacturing was busy making war materials and everybody went back to work.  

In 1932, the Federal Home Loan Bank Act created the Federal Home Loan Bank System in response to the Great Depression.

In 1934 The US government established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure bank deposits. In 1935, the US government established Social Security to fund citizen retirement. In 1935, the US government established the National Labor Relations Act to endorse Labor Union powers. In 1935, the Wealth Tax Act raised the top tax bracket rate to 75%. Businesses could no longer fund their own development and had to rely on Bank Lending and issuing Bonds.

In the 1960s, the US culture shift began. In 1962, The Catholic Church held Vatican II and directed the clergy to become social activists. Catholic hospitals were sold and Catholic schools began to dwindle. This put pressure on US Healthcare and US Education and costs doubled annually. The “establishment” came under attack. Violent Protests began. Drug use increased. Entering foreign wars became unpopular. In 1965, the Higher Education Act of 1965 introduced federal student aid and loan programs. In 1965 Medicare and Medicaid began and the US government began major funding of healthcare.  The Civil Rights Act of 1965 led to Affirmative Action. 90% of discrimination cases were bogus. Environmentalism became a political movement and environmental regulations went into overkill.

In 1980, President Reagan ® cut taxes, restored the US Military and ended the Cold War with the USSR.  Russia was broke and had to contract its borders. This resulted in the formation of the Russian Republic, the elimination of Communism in Russia and the freeing of Eastern European countries. Pope John Paul II was elected in 1978 and served until 2005. He worked with Reagan to free Poland from USSR Communist rule.

In 1989, President Bush (R) signed on to UN Agenda 21. It was a plan to establish a Global Government. In 1990, the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq was quickly ended using advanced US military equipment provided by Reagan.  Bush was a 1 term President and lost to Bill Clinton (D) in 1993, because Ross Perot won Republican votes to lower government spending and the National Debt.

In the 1993, NAFTA was signed and it accelerated off-shoring of manufacturing to cut labor and regulatory costs. It killed US Union jobs and put a dent in the US Middle Class.

In the 2000, GW Bush (R) was elected. In 2001, the US was attacked by Islamic Terrorists who hijacked commercial aircraft and crashed into the Twin Towers in NY. Bush began the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. This resulted in Foreign Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that cost $10 trillion. In 2005, Pope Benedict XVI was a Conservative Pope who succeeded Pope John Paul II. He retired in 2013.

In 2009, President Obama (D) was elected. He was raised as a Communist Muslim  He supported the Climate Change Hoax and restricted Oil and Gas production.. He began implementing UN Agenda 21. Obama passed Obamacare to add Healthcare to government control. He also supported UN Agenda 21 implementation. This resulted in adding another $10 trillion to the National Debt.  In 2013, Pope Francis was elected. He was raised as a Communist in Venezuela and supports the Climate Change Hoax. Between 2013 and 2023, the percentage of white Catholics who attended church frequently dropped from 34% to 25%.

In 2017, President Trump (R) cut taxes and regulation, increased US Oil and Natural Gas Production, built the Border Wall and ended Illegal immigration. Trump replaced war with total economic isolation of Iran and began the Abraham Accords to bring Peace to the Middle East. In 2020 COVID-19 became a global pandemic. Trump assigned US Pharma companies to produce the vaccine in less than a year.  Deaths were reduced from the expected 2% to 1%.

In 2020 Trump lost in a close election to Biden. No Court would hear Trump’s claims of election fraud. 72% of US Lawyers are Democrats. All Judges are Lawyers.

In 2021, President Biden (D) reversed all the Trump policies. He restricted US Oil and Natural Gas Production, opened the Borders and allowed 20,000 illegals to enter the US and get jobs. His support of spending on Climate Change added $2 trillion in federal spending that resulted in 35% global inflation. Biden is a 1-term President.

In 2021-2024, US government spending rose from $4 trillion to $6 trillion. The US National Debt grew from $5 trillion in 2000 to $35 trillion in 2024. Interest on the Debt rose to $1 trillion/yr. in 2024.

The scope and size of the US government became unaffordable. The US government spends $1T/yr on foreign aid, $1T/yr on grants to States and $1trillion/yr on interest.  Democrats want to increase federal spending. Trump needs to cut federal spending.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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