Thursday, January 16, 2025

Silicon Valley Could Burn 1-17-25

While not guaranteed, there is a possibility that wildfires could reach Silicon Valley, as it is located in California which experiences significant wildfire activity, particularly during dry seasons, and recent reports indicate a high fire risk across the state, including areas near Los Angeles which could potentially spread towards Silicon Valley depending on wind patterns and fire behavior.  

Silicon Valley is known for being the foremost tech and startup ecosystem, home to industry-leading companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, Cisco, Intel, Nvidia, and Tesla. It is the epicenter of high-tech innovation, from personal computers and internet search to social media, cloud computing, and AI. Silicon Valley is just North of Fresno CA 348 miles from LA.


I expect Trump will remove California’s ability to destroy its population centers and impose effective forest management requirements on California.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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