Saturday, January 4, 2025

US Constitutional Compliance 1-4-25

Many of us believe that our sovereign debt problems could have been avoided if we had ensured that our federal government remained in compliance with the US Constitution and the limits placed on the federal by the enumerated powers and 10th Amendment.

If we had resisted the federal government’s unconstitutional expansion of powers, 1/3rd of our landmass would be owned by the states, the federal courts would only be able to “opine” over federal issues and states would have had to deal with these issues with a balanced budget.

Resetting Constitutional powers will require some time to transition functions from the federal to the states. The federal government will need to continue to fund Social Security transition costs and pay down its debts.

If we are able to wrest the unconstitutional functions from the federal government, there would be no departments, agencies, programs, congressional committees or funds for Foreign Aid, Grants to States, Homeland Security, Agriculture, Health & Human Services, Education, Transportation, Energy, Labor, Interior or Commerce. There would be no HUD, EPA, USDA, TSA, FEMA, FDA, Federal Reserve, etc.

Loans held by Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac and Sallie Mae would be sold to the private sector. Education and Healthcare care should be repaired in the free market.

The Federal government would cede all federal lands to the states and transfer unconstitutional functions “to the States and the People” States and the People would have responsibility for education, labor, food inspection, environmental regulations, etc.

The Federal government would maintain military forces for defense, police the oceans, secure the borders, administer immigration policy, deal with other nations and operate the US mint and Patent Office.  They would maintain a federal court, a legislature consisting of a House and Senate and maintain the Executive branch.

The Federal government would need to pay down the national debt and begin to transition Social Security for the next generation to private accounts.

Interest rates would be set by the free market. Churches, charities and individuals would need to reassume their previous responsibility for the poor. This would require the repeal of many laws and regulations. Malpractice would be handled by local Medical Associations. The Civil Rights Act should be repealed. The US should return to being a free market meritocracy. We should quit the UN and IMF. Congress should take control of trade agreements and immigration and should read all bills and write their own regulations. Bills should not be bundled to allow bad law to ride on critical Bills.


I posted this in 2015 and believe Constitutional Compliance is the key to ending government overspending and money printing Inflation.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

NTL Conservative Blog August 30 2015

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