Tuesday, January 21, 2025

US Physical Fitness 1-21-25

We remember the Physical Fitness Fads that were popularized from the 1970s to 2025.  In the 1970s Exercise was popularized with hit records like “Lets Get Physical” and YMCA. It produced 5K Runs, Walking, Jogging and Racket-ball. We moved to Atlanta, where “Tennis” was the second largest Religion and everybody floated down the Chattahoochee River on Sundays. Too much exercise caused “Tennis Elbow” and other injuries in older people who were beginning to experience “Bone Loss”. 

Obesity was controlled by many exercise-addicted participants, but Obesity was spreading due to “Fast Food”, poorly proportioned snacks and lack of knowledge surrounding diet and nutrition. Over-eating the wrong food produced in large quantities produced Diabetes II.

Here are some diabetes statistics for the United States by year:

2001–2004: The age-adjusted prevalence of diabetes was 10.3% 

2017–2020: The age-adjusted prevalence of diabetes was 13.2% 

2021: An estimated 11.6% of the US population had diabetes. COVID-19 had taken a toll.

2022: The total cost of diagnosed diabetes was $412.9 billion, including $306.6 billion in direct medical costs and $106.3 billion in reduced productivity.

In 2021, diabetes was the eighth leading cause of death in the United States 

In 2022, 9.6% of adults aged 18 and older had diagnosed diabetes 

The prevalence of diagnosed diabetes was lower in metropolitan areas than in nonmetropolitan areas 

The prevalence of diagnosed diabetes increased with age 

In 2021, the age-adjusted percentage of adults aged 18 and over diagnosed with diabetes was 12.7% for non-Hispanic Black and 7.0% for non-Hispanic White 

In the 1980s, Asthma arrived and Smoking Cessation began and became a Political Cult Phenomenon. Smoking the leading cause of Cancer along with “Red Dye II” and a host of other suspected causes. There was no cure for cancer, because no “Cause” had been discovered. Test Data was based on Correlation. Correlation is a statistical measure that describes the relationship between two or more variables, while causation means that one event is the result of another.

In the 1990s The Cholesterol hysteria began when we focused on ancestry and food. We attempted to lower “Bad Cholesterol” and increase “Good Cholesterol”. We also attempted to reduce our weight to move to “Pre-Diabetic” levels. We stopped eating pasta and bread.

In 2019, COVID-19 became the focus of Medical Research. COVID was a flu and the flu shot was a treatment, not a cure or a prevention. COVID was airborne, but morphed into less lethal versions. 100 million people in the US had “Natural Immunity”, due to stronger Immune Systems. COVID was lethal for older patients over age 65 who had pre-existing conditions. The US Death Rate was 1%.

The latest Target is Alcohol. It does increase weight and is also addictive. Illegal Drugs are also addictive.

Medical Fads have included Exercise and Diet to control Cholesterol and Obesity.


US Leading Causes of Death in 2022

Heart disease: 702,880

Cancer: 608,371

Accidents (unintentional injuries): 227,039 (Falls)

COVID-19: 186,552 (Virus)

Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 165,393 (Blood Vessels)

Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,382 (Lung Disease)

Alzheimer’s disease: 120,122 (Memory Loss)

Diabetes: 101,209 (Obesity)

Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 57,937, (Kidney Disease)

Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis: 54,803 (Alcohol)

Source: Mortality in the United States, 2022, data table for figure 4

Suicide: 49,000 (Alcohol, Drug Addiction, PTSD)


Medical Target Practice:

Calibrating dosage remains difficult, because no patients are alike.

Diagnosis remains difficult, because many diseases have the same symptoms.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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