Monday, February 17, 2025

Federal Hiring 2-14-25

Air Traffic Controllers are needed along with system upgrades. Military recruiting has improved and those who were fired for not getting the covid shot are being offered backpay to return. Military Special Operations is expected to grow along with Border Patrol and ICE. Airforce Pilots will be needed to ferry criminal illegals to Guantanamo to await return to their countries. The US Navy needs to hire more Sailors to staff more Warships to deter China and Terror groups in the Middle East.  There is less need for Military personnel to fight wars like we did in Afghanistan and Iraq, because Trump will use total economic isolation to deter Terror Groups and other Bad Actors. There will be less need for Missile Silo Troops when we implement Iron Dome defense systems. 

The EPA has 16,000 federal employees. The EPA needs to stop banning natural gas cook tops and other similar activities.

The EPA funds grants to help organizations achieve environmental goals. The EPA awards over $4 billion in grants and other assistance agreements each year. These grants should be stopped. The EPA could be closed and sent to the States after they cancel all of their regulations. Each State would pass its own EPA Rules tailored to their needs and function without Federal support.

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has over 57,000 federal employees. The Federal DOT could transfer its highway expenses to the States. Each State would pay the cost of highway maintenance and modifications and write their own safety rules. The Federal DOT would retain responsibility for Air Travel Safety including NTSB Investigations and Airport Tower Controllers..

States would assume Railroad Safety responsibilities. Cities would fund their own airports.

The US Department of Labor has 16.922 Federal Employees as of January 2025. Every State has its own Department of Labor to ensure that US and State Labor Laws are enforced. The US Department of Labor should retain the BLS Jobs Report and clean it up. It also publishes the BLS Service that are duplicated by CCH. The DOL also houses the NLRB to manage union elections that are now largely unsuccessful. The DOL should be able to shed 16.000 employees if it adopts AI to gather reliable data. At an average of $100,000 per employee cost, Labor could cut $1.6 billion per year or $16 billion per 10-year period. It will require updated computers and data bases.

The US State Department has 80,214 employees total, 14,399 Foreign Service employees 12,831 Civil Service employees 50,703 local employees. DOGE should be able to identify duplication and misdirection. Marco Rubio has inherited the agency that uses bribery to replace diplomacy and might be able to cut 40,000 employees. The cost is $58 billion and could be cut by $23.2 billion, saving $34.8 billion per year or $348 billion per 10-year period.

The Department of Defense had 2,845,386 employees total, 1,294,191 active duty military, 789,594 (civilian) and 761,601 (National Guard and reserve) as of June 30, 2024. The US Department of Defense's (DoD) budget request for fiscal year (FY) 2025 was $849.8 billion as of March 11, 2024. This request included $850 billion for discretionary spending and $22 billion for mandatory spending. If Trump is successful in his negotiations with China and Russia, the DOD priorities could change and the costs reduced and contained. The emphasis would be on Special Forces to eradicate the Drug Cartels and Terror Groups. DOD Funds could be targeted for high tech upgrades like the Iron Dome to protect the US from missile and drone attacks and Cyber attacks on US utilities and countermeasures for High Powered Microwave weapons and Space-Based Lasers that can fry all electronic devices. Trade Negotiators and DOGE will need to join DOD Personnel to deal with Defense Contractors to secure better prices for Military Hardware for the next generation of advanced military equipment. It is too early to estimate possible cost savings. The proposed budget for DoD in 2025 totals $850 billion. Adjusted for inflation, that amount is 1.1 percent less than the amount anticipated for 2025 in the previous FYDP and 1.7 percent less than the amount appropriated by the Congress for 2024 (excluding supplemental funding).

Federal computers, databases and cyber security will need to be updated to make federal data more accurate and secure. Shared databases will be needed to determine the number of actual US citizens who are allowed work and allowed to vote and create House Districts.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that interest payments will total $952 billion in fiscal year 2025 and rise rapidly throughout the next decade — climbing from $1 trillion in 2026 to $1.8 trillion in 2035. The Congressional Budget Office is famous for failing to accurately predict the cost of anything. They are worse than the Federal Reserve. DOGE needs to weigh in on both of these groups.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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