Friday, February 21, 2025

History of Wars 2-21-25

Wars have determined the ownership of land for centuries. Prehistoric Tribes battled to keep their land. Victorious Tribal chiefs became Kings of Countries and some countries won wars to become Empires. What to do with conquered people has varied. When Cyrus became the Emperor of Persia, he welcomed his conquered people to become citizens of Persia and allowed them to keep their old religions. When Alexander the Great the ruler of Greece conquered the Middle East, he also welcomed his conquered people, but when he died, his brothers could not hold the empire together. In China, the rulers battled each other until an Emperor arose and after that neighboring monarchies overthrew the Emperors and became Emperors of larger empires. Rome conquered much of Europe and North Africa and they sold their conquered people into slavery from 100BC to 400AD. After the fall of Rome, European nations reconstituted and Kings with military credentials arose. 

In 400AD, the Catholic Church was replacing Paganism by Roman decree and the Church became a State Department for the Roman Empire. In 476AD the Roman Empire ended, but the Church continued and became a peer to the Kings that arose in Europe. These Kings continued to attack each other until 800AD. By then the Church and State were fully integrated. Kings would pay the Church to have their sons become Cardinals and they became Prince-Bishops.

The discovery of America in 1492 was a gamechanger for Europe. Spain, Portugal, France and England fought the American Natives to secure their land and created “colonies”. Europeans later created colonies in Asia.

Europeans battled each other through the 1700s. North America belonged to England and France. South America belonged to Spain and Portugal. The Revolutionary War that began in 1776 created the United States in 1789. This was another  gamechanger for colonies and European Monarchies. Wars continued between England and France. Portugal now owned Brazil and Spain owned the rest of South America. Canada was owned by England, but included a French Province in Montreal. Things were settling down. The US bought the Louisiana purchase from France in 1802 and defeated the Mexicans in 1948. The US later fought the Civil War to retake the Southern States of the Confederacy in 1865.

Wars continued in Europe with World War I in 1914 when the Austro-Hungarian Empire invaded Serbia and were joined by Germany and the Ottoman Empire. This got England and France in the fight and the US entered in 1917. The war ended in 1918 and dissolved the Ottoman Empire. The Austro-Hungarian Empire became Austria and Hungary. Germany was required to pay reparations that created poverty and deep resentment in Germany that would lead to World War II. German citizens elected the NAZI Party in 1933 and Adolph Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. Hitler preached Nationalism and fought Communism.

The Russian Revolution was a series of events in 1917 that overthrew the monarchy and established a communist state. The revolution was a result of widespread disillusionment with the Tsar and the government. In 1922, the USSR was founded and the new Communist Government seized all the property from its citizens.

In 1939, NAZI Germany invaded Poland and started World War II.

In 1939 Germany annexed Austria and invaded Czechoslovakia.

In 1940 England and France declared war on Germany.

In 1940 Germany invaded and conquered France.

In 1940 Germany invaded and conquered Denmark and Norway

In 1940 Germany began bombing England

In 1940 Italy joins Germany and takes North Africa

In 1941 Germany attacks Russia

In 1941 the US enters declares war on Japan with the bombing of Pearl Harbor

In 1941 Germany declares war on the US

In 1942 Russia halts the German advance

In 1942 US and Britain take North Africa

In 1942 the US takes Sicily

In 1943 Italy surrenders to the US

In 1943 the US and allies invade Normandy

In 1943 Paris France is liberated

In 1944 Germany retreats from Russia

In 1944 the US an allies invade Germany

In 1945 the US and allies win the war in Europe

In 1945 the US drops the Atom Bomb on Japan

In 1945 Japan surrenders and World War ends

The Axis Countries Germany, Italy and Japan

The Allies were the US England and Russia

In 1945, the Russians refused to leave the Eastern European Countries. The Cold War ended in 1991. The Communist USSR was dissolved and was replaced by the Russian Republic. In 1991. 

During the Cold War, countries considered satellite states to the USSR included: Albania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and East Germany (German Democratic Republic), all of which were located in Eastern Europe and heavily influenced by the Soviet Union politically and economically. 

Ukraine that had been historically included as part of Russia was declared an independent country.

Mistakes were made after World War II. Korea was split between Communist North Korea and South Korea that started the Korean War in 1950. The USSR was allowed to take over the satellite countries and could have been dissuaded by the Atom Bomb. The Middle East was ignored and allowed to create their own problems. Ukraine was invaded by Russia. Israel was attacked by Muslim Terror proxies of Iran. South American countries were ignored and were vulnerable to occasional Marxist takeovers and drug cartels.

In 1974, US President Nixon began a trade relationship with Communist China. This has resulted in China going from a poor, overpopulated country to a global menace.


Trump’s Agenda to end war is to use economic pressure to dissuade bad actors is effective. His strategy to work down the US National Debt will be effective and will restore the US Constitution to avoid a Communist takeover.

Trump’s approach to ending the Ukraine/Russia War is to end the war with a peace treaty. He is offering Ukraine the opportunity to develop their mining of rare earth materials and oil. He would invite US mining companies to invest and would allow Ukraine to export to the US.

Putin first objected to Ukraine joining NATO, because he didn’t want NATO missiles near the Russian border was lame. Ukraine has now proven that it needs to be admitted to NATO to dissuade Putin from invading Ukraine in the future.

Putin should be held accountable for invading Ukraine. Sanctions and Reparations are in order as part of any Peace Treaty.

Putin’s aggression should be punished.

Trump wants to open trade for everybody. This should give bad actors like Russia, China, North Korea and Iran the opportunity to behave. He wants to disincentivize war.

The US and Europe should threaten to impose total economic isolation on Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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