Saturday, February 22, 2025

US Politics 2-23-25

I registered the Dunwoody GA Tea Party on and created the NTL Conservative Blog in 2010. 

I had followed US politics most of my life and so did my parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles. We were Conservative Republicans. When I was 3 years old, we were in Texas. My uncle John was the Director of R&D for Texas A&M, but was also the Secretary of Agriculture for the State of Texas. He knew Lyndon Johnson who was a US Congressman in 1945. We were invited to dinner at the LBJ Ranch in 1945. After dinner my Mom and I went outside with “Lady Bird” to see the horses. My Dad, uncle John and my brother Bobby stayed inside. My brother said that Lyndon gave him the creeps. LBJ was up for reelection and my uncle John came to visit us at our small ranch. He came in the back yard and my Dad asked him how Lyndon did in the election. Uncle John told him that “everybody that ever lived in these counties voted for Lyndon.” LBJ hired 50 people to vote in place of the dead people and paid them $5 to go from one polling place to another. They had the voter lists with the names of the dead people. The polling places were staffed by Democrats. Voter Fraud was the preferred Democrat Strategy.

Years later I appreciated Franklin Roosevelt’s handling of World War II and his support for building Dams during the Great Depression to provide jobs during the Great Depression. I agreed that some of his other moves were unconstitutional.

I liked Harry Truman’s handling to end World War II and liked the Mashall Plan that gave Europe and Japan a chance to recover.

Even more years later, we “Liked Ike” when he was elected in the 1950s.

I read the newspapers when I was in grade school and believed that US manufacturing was where I wanted to work. I was livid when I found out that the Mafia had taken over the Labor Unions.

As time progressed in the 1960s, saw the Kennedy assassination and in 1963 I knew Lyndon Johnson was the worst successor to the Presidency we could ever imagine. 

I was supportive of non-discrimination laws, but believed in personal responsibility. I reacted negatively to the overreach in the Civil Rights Act that resulted in replacing Meritocracy with race-based favoritism. I learned how the founders of US Industry in the 1880s were refused their property rights and were forced to accept Labor Unions and Company break-ups.  My instincts told me that we needed to preserve Meritocracy and Property Rights. I knew that expanding the US Free Market Economy required increases in Productivity.

In the 1970s, I noticed that Republicans like Nixon would end the US riots, but his abandoning the gold standard and courting Communist China were mistakes. The bill for Johnson’s Vietnam War and Great Society came due and the US auto industry decay would herald economic decline. In the late 1970s, Johnson’s inflation hit. Gas prices soared and off-shoring manufacturing increased.

In 1976, Jimmy Carter became President. He gave the Panama Canal to Panama, a big mistake He spent his time getting Egypt and Israel to sign a peace treaty, a good thing.

In 1980, I read “Free to Choose” by Milton Friedman and knew that Ronald Reagan would be our best bet to turn the faltering economy around.   Reagan ended up winning the Cold War in 1988 and had stabilized the US economy. Japanese cars became popular and the US auto companies were left with bad quality and future decline.

In 1989, GHW Bush became President and signed on to UN Agenda 21 and the Global Warming Hoax. He did a good job with the Gulf War to save Kuait, but allowed Democrats to continue building the “Deep State”. In the meantime, China was taking over more US manufacturing with low labor costs and that was a bad thing. GHW Bush rubber-stamped all of Ted Kennedy’s socialist bills and became a 1 term President when Ross Perot campaigned on preventing the National Debt to go out of control. I voted for Perot and Clinton won.

I began to notice that Republicans were campaigning like Conservatives, but voting like Democrats. I called the Demopublicans.

In 1993, Bill Clinton became President and issued an executive order to implement UN Agenda 21 to support the global warming hoax. He did balance the US federal budget, Newt Gingrich restored Republicans to Congress with the “Contract for America” to slow the growth of government. Clinton kept the outsourcing of US manufacturing jobs with NAFTA. Gingrich declared that the US was becoming the “Information Economy”. The information wasn’t good.

In 2000, GW Bush became President and on 9/11/2001 the Twin Towers in New York were destroyed by Islamic Terrorists. This prompted Bush to invade Afghanistan and later to invaded Iraq. The cost of his adventures was $10 trillion. 

In 2008, Bush was asleep at the switch with the Mortgage Meltdown that began with banks being threatened with race discrimination suits if they did not lend mortgages to unqualified buyers.

In 2009, Baraq Obama became President and he doubled down on building the “Deep State”. He also continued on UN Agenda 21 implementation that required that the US Voters quietly agree to become poor. All manufacturing jobs were gone and foreign aid continued to rise. Obama spent $10 trillion on the Global Warming Hoax and put it on the US National Debt credit card.

In 2010, the Tea Party held a rally in Washington DC and TEA stood for Taxed Enough Already. It was a call to return to lower spending and Federal Debt reduction that began with Ross Perot’s campaign in 1992.

In 2010, I started the Dunwoody Tea Party to encourage lower government spending, especially in Dunwoody. The Dunwoody City council had adopted UN Agenda 21 and they proposed a $133 million Bond to build unnecessary Parks. I bought Vote No Parks yard signs and won the park bond vote. I was tapped to join a State-wide Tea Party Committee to deliver a No vote on the $18 billion TSPLOST in Georgia and we won.

In 2011, I became a Delegate to the Georgia Republican Convention and learned that it was a “club” of Establishment RINO Republicans who were waiting their turn to be Delegates to the National Republican Convention. 

In 2013, I gathered 4 candidates for City Council and 2 of them won. One became Mayor and asked me to serve on the Community Council. I was elected to Chair the Council to conduct the first review of requested zoning issues and proposed ordinance changes. I served for 4 years. I was asked to chair “Save Dunwoody” and bought yard signs to campaign against UN Agenda 21 inspired 12 foot paths to connect to MARTA, the metro transit company with parks and expensive roundabouts to replace street intersections. 

When the city of Dunwoody was formed in 2009 it was clear that they were trained to implement UN Agenda 21. Georgia Governor Bad Deal had been a Democrat who switched to Republican and he passed the Regionalism Laws required to allow UN Agenda 21 implementation.  

I got to know lots of Republicans since 2010 and one of them asked who I supported for President in 2016. I said I would support whoever told the most truth.

In 2016, Donald Trump appeared on the stage at the Republican Presidential Debate he laid bare the failures of most of the other Republican candidates. They were stunned. I was relieved. I became a “Trumper”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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