Thursday, September 13, 2012

Agenda 21 is Treason

State Laws need to be repealed.

If you look on the U.S. Department of Transportation website, you will find 1840 references to Agenda 21.   The DOT grants going to states, counties and cities include requirements that recipients must spend the grant money to implement Agenda 21 infrastructure requirements.  That’s why weird things like bike lanes appear.  Billions of dollars in DOT grants built public transit, little used by the commuting public, using phony environmental claims as an excuse.
The references to CO2 are also on the website.  When U.N. Agenda 21 was written, the basis of their actions were phony claims that human activity was causing global warming.  The EPA wrote regulations claiming that carbon was a pollutant and carbon reduction was necessary.  The EPA has halted the building of coal electrical generating plants and tore down hydroelectric dams.  The EPA is decimating our ability to generate electricity.

Just stopping and reversing this Agenda 21 implementation would save trillions of tax dollars that are not just being wasted, but are “invested” in order to crash the U.S. economy, giving us little or nothing in the way of the infrastructure rebuilding that does need to be done.
In order to accomplish this, the federal government has established a clear monopoly on infrastructure funding in order to dictate this Agenda 21 implementation to the states, counties and cities.  Regional governance has been created to by-pass local elected officials.  Until the state laws enabling this treason are repealed, we will continue to squander trillions on this nonsense.

In Georgia, HB 277, The Transportation Investment Act of 2010 was the last piece of treason passed.  Prior to that HB 1216 was passed in 2008 to establish “regional governance” throughout Georgia.   Our best bet would be to pass legislation banning Agenda 21 in Georgia, like Alabama did.  We would use the ban on Agenda 21 to protect us from the EPA and equally damaging federal regulations aimed at shutting down our farmland. Regional bureaucrats are now in our rural counties planning this treason.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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