Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Immigration vs. Jobs

Our current high 20% real unemployment is totally self-inflicted.

U.S. citizens enter the workforce at the rate of 150,000 per month; that’s 1.8 million per year.  That includes new college grads, tech school grads and high school grads.  The U.S. Immigration Service allows legal immigrants to enter the U.S. at the rate of 125,000 per month; that’s 1.5 million per year.  This has been going on for decades. 
Job growth has averaged 155,000 per month.  Enough for new entrants by U,S, citizens, were it not for legal immigrant.  Most jobs were reserved for legal immigrants, crowding out new entrants.

In 1994, Congress passed NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement.  Presidential Candidate Ross Perot warned that we would hear that “great sucking sound” as we off-shored our manufacturing jobs.  He was right.  The U.S. off-shored at least 2.61 million jobs since 1994 due only to NAFTA. That doesn’t count jobs lost from vendors and subcontractors or job loss due to recent off-shoring to Asia.
Given out current course to close coal-fired and hydro electric power plants, we will off-shore an additional 56 million jobs over the next 10 to 20 years.  At the same time, the Immigration Service shows signs of increasing legal immigration.  This will guarantee real annual unemployment will grow to 50%.

During the Great Depression, legal immigration dropped to zero. 
Our history shows that the U.S. has increased legal immigration during labor shortages and reduced legal immigration at times of high unemployment.  This changed in the 1970s and since then we have immigrated far more legal and illegal workers than we have jobs for.  The end result has been catastrophic job loss for U.S. citizens.

We need to suspend legal immigration until our real unemployment goes below 3%. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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