Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Will of the People

Our government was formed to protect our liberty and property. The authority of government comes from the People through the consent of the governed.  We elect representatives, who we assume will do the will of the People and expect these representatives to put special interest group opinions aside when the will of the people is clear.

We opposed off-shoring our manufacturing in the 1990s. We experienced a “bum’s rush” to the “war on terror”. In the 2000’s, we supported more domestic oil and gas production. We supported enforcing our immigration laws, We objected to overreaching environmental regulations. We opposed the 2008 bail-outs. We clamored for closed borders. We opposed raising the debt ceiling. We objected to Obama-care.  We have protested wasteful spending.  We were ignored.  Now we’re broke
We are experiencing a time when the Will of the People has been tossed aside at every level of government. This is not a coincidence. We got this way, over time, by allowing our elected representatives to thwart the Will of the People and make excuses.  The problems are different at each level of government, but we must fix the processes that allow this to happen.
Agenda 21
The common denominator in our current struggle is U.N. Agenda 21. This is a coordinated plan designed to “fundamentally transform” America into a third world country and end our sovereignty as a nation using the global warming hoax as its excuse. We would become a province of a U.N. global communist government. We will continue down this path until we can end U.N. interference.
Our current elected representatives who are supported by campaign contributions from individuals and groups who support the U.N. and our continued economic decline must be replaced.
The laws that have enabled Agenda 21 implementation need to be repealed.  They exist at every level of government.  We must quit the U.N. and remove all financial support. The the enemy
Local Activism
We the People are responsible for restoring the Will of the People to government.  State and local government are being bribed and extorted with federal grants that need to end.  We must make sure that they do.
Local government is also on a tear to increase property values in their cities and counties, but much of what they are doing is implementing Agenda 21 infrastructure.  It has resulted in a war between the automobile drivers and the bikers. Complete streets are costly and car lanes are being reduced.  All spending on this should be tabled until after November 6, 2012.
We will need to restore the Constitution and Amendments (as written) and remove special interests from our political process.
Determining the “will of the people” isn’t that hard.  Voters will support smart spending on government’s core responsibilities: roads, sewers and water. If you add gasoline, electricity and food, we don’t really need anything else.  Voters want these necessities to be plentiful, inexpensive and reliable and they should be controlled by the free market, not choked off by taxes and regulations that drive costs up. 
Polling to determine voter priorities is a good practice and it is easy to set up on a city website.  Cities can run polls to have voters rank road and intersection projects and prices.  
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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