Tuesday, November 4, 2014

EPA Abuse, States should Nullify

Property Rights at Stake in EPA’s Water Power Grab
Posted on November 3, 2014 Written by dailysignal.com
Thanks to the fed­eral gov­ern­ment, it soon may become far more dif­fi­cult to use and enjoy pri­vate prop­erty. The Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency and the Army Corps of Engi­neers want to make a water—and land—grab that should scare everyone.
Under the Clean Water Act, the fed­eral gov­ern­ment has juris­dic­tion over “nav­i­ga­ble waters,” which the statute fur­ther defines as “the waters of the United States, includ­ing the ter­ri­to­r­ial seas.” Prop­erty own­ers often need to get per­mits if waters cov­ered under the law will be impacted. There­fore, a crit­i­cal ques­tion is what types of “waters” are cov­ered under the CWA. That’s what the EPA and Corps seek to address with a new pro­posed rule that would define “the waters of the United States.” As expected, the EPA and the Corps are seek­ing to expand their author­ity to cover waters never imag­ined when the Clean Water Act was passed in 1972.
For exam­ple, the new pro­posed rule would reg­u­late all ditches, except in nar­row cir­cum­stances. This even includes man-made ditches. The rule would apply to trib­u­taries that have ephemeral flow. This would include depres­sions in land that are dry most of the year except when there’s heavy rain.
There’s wide­spread oppo­si­tion to the pro­posed rule. Farm­ers and ranch­ers are con­cerned that the rule could affect nor­mal agri­cul­tural prac­tices. Home­builders could face addi­tional devel­op­ment costs that would likely be passed on to buy­ers. Coun­ties are con­cerned because of costly new require­ments that could impact munic­i­pal storm sewer sys­tems, road­side ditches, among other things.
This broad over­reach could have sig­nif­i­cant costs and delays for per­mit appli­cants. In Rapanos v. United States (2006), a major CWA case, Jus­tice Antonin Scalia cited a study high­light­ing the fol­low­ing costs and delays for one of the major types of per­mits (Sec­tion 404 per­mits), “The aver­age appli­cant for an indi­vid­ual per­mit spends 788 days and $271,596 in com­plet­ing the process, and the aver­age appli­cant for a nation­wide per­mit spends 313 days and $28,915—not count­ing costs of mit­i­ga­tion or design changes.”
If the EPA and Corps expand their author­ity over more waters, prop­erty own­ers will have to secure addi­tional per­mits. They will have to get per­mis­sion from fed­eral bureau­crats to enjoy and use their prop­erty because of waters that were never intended to be reg­u­lated under the CWA. If prop­erty own­ers don’t com­ply with the law, they could face civil penal­ties as high as $37,500 per day per vio­la­tion, or even crim­i­nal penalties.
In their crav­ing for more power, the EPA and Corps are ignor­ing a crit­i­cal aspect of the CWA: coop­er­a­tive fed­er­al­ism. Both the states and fed­eral gov­ern­ment are sup­posed to play a role in imple­men­ta­tion of the law. Yet, this power grab is an attempt by the fed­eral gov­ern­ment to push out state and local governments.
At the start of the CWA it states, “It is the pol­icy of the Con­gress to rec­og­nize, pre­serve, and pro­tect the pri­mary respon­si­bil­i­ties and rights of States to pre­vent, reduce, and elim­i­nate pol­lu­tion, to plan the devel­op­ment and use (includ­ing restora­tion, preser­va­tion, and enhance­ment) of land and water resources…” The EPA and Corps are pre­tend­ing that this impor­tant pol­icy doesn’t exist.
The EPA also had to ignore sound sci­ence and proper rule­mak­ing to move for­ward with its power play. The agency devel­oped a draft report enti­tled Con­nec­tiv­ity of Streams and Wet­lands to Down­stream Waters: A Review and Syn­the­sis of the Sci­en­tific Evi­dence. A Sci­en­tific Advi­sory Board was con­vened to peer review the study, which when final­ized would pro­vide the sci­en­tific foun­da­tion for imple­men­ta­tion of the rule.
How­ever, the EPA final­ized the pro­posed rule before the Sci­en­tific Advi­sory Board even met. The EPA defends this action by claim­ing that the final study will still help inform the final rule. But this is putting the cart before the horse (or the rule before the sci­ence). The sci­en­tific foun­da­tion should inform the pro­posed rule so that the pub­lic can pro­vide informed com­ments and have a mean­ing­ful voice in the process.
The pub­lic may be com­ment­ing on a pro­posed rule that seems to be a mere place­holder rather than a real pol­icy pro­posal, or more likely, a pro­posal that already reflects the final con­clu­sions of the EPA. The EPA has a strong incen­tive to avoid mak­ing major changes to the draft sci­en­tific report and, as a result, the final rule. If major changes are made, the EPA might be forced by law to restart the rule­mak­ing process over.
Con­gress is tak­ing notice. The House Trans­porta­tion and Infra­struc­ture Com­mit­tee passed a bill (H.R. 5078) that would pro­hibit imple­men­ta­tion of the pro­posed rule, and leg­is­la­tion (S. 2496) has been intro­duced in the Sen­ate to pro­hibit imple­men­ta­tion as well. In addi­tion, the FY 2015 House Inte­rior and Envi­ron­ment appro­pri­a­tions bill that passed out of the appro­pri­a­tions com­mit­tee includes a pro­vi­sion that with­holds funds for imple­men­ta­tion of the rule.
Ulti­mately though, it is the respon­si­bil­ity of Con­gress to define the term “nav­i­ga­ble waters” instead of defer­ring to the EPA and the Corps. His­tory shows these agen­cies will con­tinue to seek to expand their author­ity. As with other laws, Con­gress needs to reassert its author­ity and rein in agency over­reach. Pri­vate prop­erty rights are at stake.
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