Tuesday, November 4, 2014

No Exhaling Allowed

50,000 dot com
Posted on November 4, 2014 Written by Charles Battig, MD, AmericanThinker.com
Let’s start a new car­bon diox­ide (CO2) web­site. Let’s for­get unimag­i­na­tive and puny sites anchored in the mid 300’s. How about “50,000 dot com”? 50,000ppm to be exact…
That is a really big num­ber in view of claims that car­bon diox­ide is a pol­lu­tant, as defined by the U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency (EPA), and but­tressed by Fed­eral judges’ non-scientific rul­ings. If a 400ppm con­cen­tra­tion of CO2 in the atmos­phere is adjudged by such polit­i­cal enti­ties to be an endan­ger­ment to human health, a dan­ger to the envi­ron­ment, and an all-round pol­lu­tant, then cer­tainly 50,000ppm must be a vicious killer, no?
Well, no. As a physi­cian prac­tic­ing the spe­cialty of anes­the­si­ol­ogy, my train­ing included the details of human res­pi­ra­tory phys­i­ol­ogy, and knowl­edge of the move­ment of the essen­tial gases in and out of my patients’ lungs. A most basic mech­a­nism of human life is the cycle of oxy­gen in; car­bon diox­ide out. What is the exhaled con­cen­tra­tion of CO2 in your lungs? Phys­i­ol­ogy texts give a nor­mal range of 4 to 5 per cent. In the cli­mate change nomen­cla­ture arena, that would be expressed as an equiv­a­lent 40,000 to 50,000 ppm! Imag­ine that, your own lungs man­u­fac­ture the EPA-defined pol­lu­tant car­bon diox­ide at lev­els one-hundred times that of the air we breathe in. Not only do the inner­most parts of your body tol­er­ate chronic expo­sure to this scary EPA pseudo-pollutant, longevity records con­firm our increas­ing lifes­pan, in spite of this offi­cially labeled, EPA inter­nal CO2 pollution.
The EPA and Fed­eral agen­cies have bul­lied auto­mo­bile pro­duc­ers into pro­duc­ing cars with ever lower car­bon diox­ide emis­sions per mile, yet our own bod­ies con­sis­tently pro­duce high CO2 con­cen­tra­tions with each exha­la­tion. Once our reg­u­la­tory agen­cies finally learn the details of basic human res­pi­ra­tory phys­i­ol­ogy, there will be demands that mea­sures be taken to reg­u­late our bod­ies’ CO2 out­put. Per­haps manda­tory face masks to cap­ture and neu­tral­ize our “pol­lut­ing” CO2 emis­sions will be decreed. Such breath­ing appa­ra­tus would be rated on its effi­ciency in cap­tur­ing bod­ily car­bon emis­sions; phys­i­cal exer­tion would be lim­ited to “safe” lev­els since greater exer­tion causes the body to pro­duce more CO2 than seden­tary lack of activ­ity. School chil­dren are bad­gered to mind their “car­bon foot­prints.” Who shall break the news to them and their par­ents that their own pre­cious bod­ies spew forth this falsely maligned nat­ural prod­uct of human life processes?
Alice in Won­der­land would have faced a test of her incredulity were she to have read the non-science, non-sense spew­ing from gov­ern­men­tal agen­cies,  envi­ron­men­tal rad­i­cals, rent-seeking politi­cians, and the sci­en­tif­i­cally illit­er­ate regard­ing car­bon diox­ide. And yes, Alice, there really has been no global tem­per­a­ture rise for the past eigh­teen years and count­ing. Poor old Humpty Dumpty and his cli­mate com­puter have had a really great fall, and all the Fed­eral agen­cies and pres­i­den­tial appointees can­not put all his bits and bytes together again. Alice did give us fair warn­ing, though, in her encounter with the Queen of Hearts and the Queen’s rant of  “off with their heads.” One promi­nent spokesman of the “Regres­sive Party” has been quoted call­ing for sim­i­lar pun­ish­ment for non-believers of their carbon-dioxide cli­mate hoax.
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