Thursday, April 9, 2015

GA Benefits to Illegals Continues

By an unrecorded hand vote: Super-Majority Republican Georgia Senate votes to continue to reward illegal aliens with driver’s licenses. Posted by D.A. King at 12:09 pm April 7, 2015

DIS alert: Republican Georgia Senate votes to continue to reward illegal aliens with driver’s licenses. The Chamber of Commerce/ ACLU/ tribalist coalition runs Republican-ruled Georgia.

On orders from Big Business and the ACLU, Republican-controlled Georgia is issuing driver’s licenses, official state ID cards and public benefits to illegal aliens. Those public benefits include unemployment benefits.

Senate Bill 6 from Georgia State Senator Josh McKoon (Great American) was designed to end the practice of rewarding illegals with Georgia driver’s licenses. Of 38 Republican state Senators, the bill only had 12 co-sponsors. It was not allowed out of the Senate Public Safety Committee and never even had a hearing.

Anticipating the refusal of the Chamber of Commerce Republicans to move the entire bill, Plan B was always to try to attach a “floor amendment” with the driver’s license language in the senate to a bill that had already passed the House. That plan failed as well.

In an un-recorded hand vote which keeps who voted which way secret from you, the super-majority GOP senate defeated that amendment by a vote of 27-16 on March 31, 2015.

Republican Senator Tommie Williams, a South Georgia farmer and restaurant owner, served as leader of the other Republicans who voted with the Democrats against enforcement. The speeches were intentionally framed to omit the fact that Obama has expanded his amnesty to include grown, adult illegal aliens and was always focused on “for the children…”

The AJC, the Associated Press and most news services made sure this all stayed out of “the news.”

It is imperative that you understand: This was done with an unrecorded hand vote after another unrecorded hand vote on whether to have the unrecorded vote. I was in the gallery and watched as only 4 senators voted to conduct a machine-counted, permanently recorded vote on consideration of the amendment offered by Senator McKoon.

Even most of the co-sponsors of SB 6 were afraid to oppose the Establishment Republicans and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce by voting for a machine counted, recorded vote on giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens. Including my own Senator.

I know which senators had the courage to demand a recorded vote.

I also know that many of the co-sponsors – including my own Senator – signed on very reluctantly with the (correct) assumption that the bill would never be allowed out of committee and/or there would never be a recorded vote.

One of the SB 6 co-sponsors even voted against the amendment that would stopped illegal aliens from getting a Georgia driver’s license.

ASK THEM YOURSELF: For educational purposes, I hope you will ask your own Republican state Senator if he voted for or against (or refused to even raise his/her hand to vote) for a recorded machine vote on the March 31 McKoon amendment (#1) to HB 118 that would have stopped illegal aliens from getting a drivers license.

* More to come. And please know, the activity described above is recorded on official video of the proceedings of the Georgia Senate.

VIDEO: SENATE DAY 39, AM beginning at 137:00 and going to about 2:18 on the counter. Seating chart HERE. Note: Many Senators made sure to be off camera when the raise your hand vote was taken. Some even stood up and tried to make it hard to see how they voted by looking like they were counting other Senators votes.

Conclusion: Many Republican Georgia state Senators have sold out and need to have viable primary challengers in 2016. Including my own.

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