Thursday, April 9, 2015

Illegal Immigrant Voting Ahead

Former DOJ Official: Non-Citizens Registered To Vote through Motor Voter Registration Forms Kerry Picket, 4/8/15
Local state government officials are registering non-U.S. citizens as valid voters — even when the non-citizens say they are not Americans on their voter registration forms, a former Justice Department attorney tells The Daily Caller.
J. Christian Adams, a former United States Department of Justice official in the Civil Rights Division will show the Supreme Court in a brief later this month that non-citizens are registering to vote through the government’s motor voter program. The motor voter act became law during the Clinton administration as an easier way to register voters through their local Department of Motor Vehicles offices, but Adams says the program is failing to weed out those who are not American citizens.
“The bigger problem is that when they get those drivers licenses, there’s a government social services agency that is compelled under motor voter to offer voter registration,” Adams says. “For example, I’m representing a client — the American Civil Rights Union. We’re about to file a brief to the Supreme Court that shows actual voter registrations of people who on their voter registration forms that they’re not citizens, but they’re still getting registered to vote.”
Adams says they are going to file documents showing the names and addresses of non-citizens who were registered to vote, despite marking on forms they were not Americans, in their brief. Adams notified the Justice Department’s voting section and public integrity offices of the issue in letters sent to both DOJ divisions, but he says they have not acted on the information. TheDC sent an inquiry to the DOJ, but did not receive a response.
“[These will be] the actual voter registrations forms through motor voter,” he said, noting, “The point is, because of motor voter in issuing these alien document cards, you’re going to have non-citizens moving on to the voter rolls. It’s inevitable,” said Adams noting, “The Justice Department protects the lawless, because there’s a political benefit to this administration to allow lawlessness to occur. Because if those people who lawlessly are on the voter rolls go to vote, there’s probably a 9 in 10 chance they’re voting for Democrats.”
Like other states, illegal immigrants in California are flooding local DMV’s in an effort to get drivers licenses. However, many states are not remarkably distinguishing the licenses issued to both citizen and non-citizen alike, so it is difficult to see from an issued license if an individual is an American or not.
States including Michigan, Maryland, D.C., Illinois, California, Vermont, and Colorado are bucking a federal law that requires their DMVs to issue explicitly different looking drivers licenses to non-citizens from the licenses U.S. citizens received.
Former Federal Elections Commission official Hans von Spakovsky told TheDC the federal government is making it harder for the states to know who is a citizen of the U.S. and who isn’t.
“The whole problem is most states are not issuing licenses that easily on their face show that the person holding it is not a U.S. citizen and that’s going to make it much more difficult to prevent people who are in the U.S. who are not citizens from illegally registering and voting in an election,” von Spakovsky said.
Von Spakovsky adds the situation is made even worse by the fact that under the president’s immigration plan. The plan allows for social security numbers to be issued to non-citizens and blocks efforts of state officials wanting to clean up their voter rolls by asking for the last four digits of a person’s social security number on their voter registration forms.
“If someone is here illegally and they don’t have a social security number, that’s one way to prevent them from illegally registering. It just makes it all the more difficult,” von Spakovsky says of Obama’s immigration policy.
Secretaries of state from Kansas and Ohio, along with von Spakovsky, testified before Congress in February detailing the issues states are facing in terms of knowing who is eligible to vote.
Ohio, Georgia, and Arizona passed state laws requiring one to provide proof of citizenship to register to vote, but von Spakovsky says, “They’ve been having trouble getting that enforced and they’re about to file an amicus brief with the Supreme Court.”

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