Sunday, April 5, 2015

Government Mandate Strangulation

Mandatory participation in flawed government edicts is a trend.  The mandates come from government’s admission that nobody would participate unless they were forced to.  The force comes in the form of actual penalties for not obeying, potential lawsuits that could bankrupt you, brainwashing to create a menacing group of government cult members to harass you if you get out of line. Often the crusade comes from cult obedience to arbitrary rules.
Government violates the US Constitution to destroy the free market and then provide bribes to the poor who could certainly use a free market economy at this point.
Obamacare is mandated overpriced health insurance nobody wants except 10,000 poor families who are heavily subsidized by the rest of us. The rest of the poor can’t even pay the reduced rates and don’t want to pay the $95 per year fine for not having it.  It forced the workweek down from 40 hours to 29 hours and is reducing household income by 25%.
Global criminals offer environmentalism as our replacement religion.
UN Agenda 21 was based on the global warming hoax.  It is currently on a tear to reduce carbon in the atmosphere for no good reason. Only the sun affects global warming and cooling.  This hoax will cost trillions in higher electricity bills.  Solar and wind power costs 500% more than coal and nuclear. The real goal of Agenda 21 is to create a one-world communist government after they eliminate 90% of the global population.  Agenda 21 requires destabilization in the Middle East and Africa and bankruptcy in the US and Europe to crash our economies one at a time. They are using government overspending to crash each economy of each sovereign nation.  After that, these puppet-masters will establish an oligarchy of Marxist Banksters and criminals to rule the earth, using the UN as the front organization. 
Government uses junk science and tells us we will be forced to accept it.
Forced vaccinations are coming along with forced shots despite the fact that these vaccinations and shots are flawed and dangerous.  If government allowed these to continue to be voluntary, nobody would take these shots.
Government has devised ways to increase their spending and borrowing without voter consent.  State laws allow it.  If voters got to vote on government spending and borrowing, they would vote NO.
The cost of government, health care and education have crossed the Price/Demand curve.  All are currently too expensive to be offered as commodities. They are a bad deal.  Their cost is way beyond their value.  Consumer demand for all 3 of these is currently shrinking. 
Health care doesn’t offer many cures, mostly treatments that get more and more expensive, but no cures.
Education offers degrees that are NOT sought after by employers.  These graduates work in minimum wage jobs.
Government does lots of things that are extremely harmful to the economy. Most of the other things they do are really wasteful and unnecessary.  90% of what they do is unconstitutional. 
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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