Sunday, April 5, 2015

Nero Burns Rome

This was the first government sponsored urban redevelopment project to be reported by the main-stream media.  It was blamed on the Christians, but the real purpose was to drive out the “riff-raff” to make room for Nero’s new palace. 
Modern urban redevelopment is every bit as ugly, we’re just used to it by now.  Government liked it so much they passed a raft of laws to ensure they can’t be stopped by the voters aka: (riff-raff).
The crown jewel of this list of laws is in the Georgia Mayor & City Council Handbook.  The maximum amount a city or county can borrow in Georgia is 10% of the value of all property within its borders.  That includes all private property on the tax registry including your property.  Your local government is using your equity to borrow money.  In Cobb County, the tax registry is about $26 billion, so Cobb can borrow up to 2.6 billion. Cobb spends $765 million a year. Cities and Counties should be limited to borrowing up to the value of their own assets, not 10% of ours.
The first thing new cities try to do is to trick voters into voting YES for Redevelopment Powers.  Sandy Springs and Dunwoody passed it, but Brookhaven voters voted NO. These powers allow the city council to appoint a Redevelopment Board to borrow funds give them to developers to fix up or tear down buildings and build new ones.  They may also appoint a Development Board to borrow money to “partner” with developers on projects.
Among the worst Georgia Laws came from HB 277 and HB 1216.  This allowed the State to set up Regional Commissions of appointed, unelected insiders to undermine voter control and implement UN Agenda 21 in the U.S.
The most dangerous Georgia Bill was written to allow the Legislature to petition for an Article V Convention to adopt Amendments to the U.S Constitution.  Up to this point, all of our Amendments have been written by Congress and Adopted by the States.  Article V doesn’t have the “Adopted by the States” step at the end.  All Convention Delegates to the Article V are “appointed”.  American Communists can’t wait to get their hands on our Constitution.
The State authorized Malls to form Community Improvement Districts with taxing and borrowing powers.  They are the primary recipients of our Transportation funds, Federal Grants to States and borrowing powers.  These funds are greased through the Regional Commissions, GDOT and MARTA. Their Boards vote to sponsor Mall projects.
The State authorizes Special Taxing Districts for Fire & EMS and other purposes.  Again, these are appointed boards with tax dollar spending and borrowing powers.
City Charters are amended by vote of the City Councils and currently can set up appointed, unelected boards to spend tax dollars and sell Bonds without voter approval.
Georgia Laws are set up this way to avoid having to take tax spending issues to the voters.  They know that voters would vote NO on these Ballot Issues just like we voted NO on the 2012 T-SPLOST.
County School Districts have used Bonds for decades, despite the fact that long-term, 30 year Bonds paying 5% interest cost double.  A $100 million bond costs $200 million by the time you pay the interest, lawyer and bond agent fees.  K-8 Neighborhood no longer exist.  Creating Middle Schools was an expensive unnecessary mistake.
There is no reason schools and public buildings need to be replaced every 20 years. Most school buildings in the past have been maintained to last over 100 years. This was the rule in the days when government debt was low.  It is one reason why government debt and spending is not sustainable.
Many city and county governments have gone bankrupt in the US since 2008. Don’t think it can’t happen in Georgia.
Cities and counties can seize your property. Excessive easements and stream buffers make your property worth less.  Sidewalk installation puts a public right-of-way through your front yard and you are required to pay to fix it when it cracks. 
There is no reason for voters to continue to put up with government abuse and fiscal mismanagement.  There are plenty of things government should cut.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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