Thursday, April 9, 2015

Government vs. Citizens

We citizens have been under attack by our own government for over 100 years.  We’ve had nothing but war and debt doled out by corrupt politicians and their criminal supporters.  Each of the laws that worked to create the destruction of our free market economy were sold as panaceas to other government produced problems.  Our politicians and their puppet-masters do not want us analyzing our history and asking embarrassing questions.  If we do, we will conclude that government caused all of it on purpose to serve the short-term financial needs of their crony funders and Marxist insiders.
It started in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve.  Central banks funded Germany in World War I and World War II. Their co-conspirators provided the weapons to both sides. US shipments to allies prompted the adversaries to attack our ships in the Atlantic prompting us to enter World War I in 1917.  Our Naval presence prompted Japan to attack Pearl Harbor in the Pacific prompting us to enter World War II in 1941.
Most of the wars we entered during the Cold War from 1946 to 1989 had little long-term effect. Communists still took over most countries in South America, Asia and Africa.  Communists also converted Europe to economy-crushing Socialism.  They won.  Now the Communists are using Moslem Terrorist groups to distract us and destabilize all governments in the Middle East.    
Thanks to government overspending and Federal Reserve money printing, our 1913 dollar is now worth 3 cents.  Their recent 450% increase in the money supply will be worse.  In 1913, a loaf of bread was 2 cents, now it’s 2 to 4 dollars.  In the 1960s, the average family income was $5000 a year and a good family income was $10,000 a year, now a good family income is $100,000 a year. By 2050 it will be over $1 million a year and only a few will earn that much.  We need to pay off the national debt End the Fed before that happens. 
Jobs were abundant after 1940 and remained abundant until we felt the effects of NAFTA after 1993. We took the second hit in the 2008 Meltdown.  There are now 93 million working-age Americans without jobs thanks to governments’ excessive immigration since 1989. We are going down the tubes with Europe.
The global warming scam is the latest effort by government to crash the US economy, destabilize local government, remove our property rights and remove all other rights. Moving to alternative energy sources will increase our electric bills by 500%. More businesses will move out of the US. The Marxist crooks will profit from carbon credits.  UN Agenda 21 implementation will destroy our property rights. Unelected Regional Commissions have replaced voters’ rights. Federal agencies threaten Martial Law and the media won’t report any of this.
We need to cast a jaundiced eye toward governments’ insistence that they do necessary things.  Most of what they do belongs to the private free market economy and would work better there.  Most Bills are written by special interest cronies to cut the voters out of all spending and taxing decisions. 
Government continues to make health care and education too expensive and they use this to justify their own existence.  If we let the free market take back healthcare and education, we would end this trap. We are committing financial suicide by continuing to allow this to continue.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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