Thursday, April 9, 2015

Labor Unions

The justification for labor unions has long passed.  They were legalized to recognize the need for better safety and working conditions, but quickly morphed into a Mafia owned subsidiary funding Marxist federal legislation.  Democrats sponsored this legislation and Republicans allowed it.  After the Mafia was removed, the Communist Party of America moved in and they still run what’s left of our labor unions today. 

Most blue collar employees today are non-union, by choice.  The unions in large companies ran pay rates up beyond economic feasibility and these companies moved their manufacturing operations to third-world countries as soon as they could.

Allowing government employees to unionize was the final nail in the coffin. They were already “Left leaning” and now they are unapologetic Marxists. The voters are not, so government likes to abuse voters. This is not a good long-term strategy for government employees. 

We voters have already identified the harmful, unnecessary and unconstitutional activities the government is engaged in.  It’s clear that the federal government screws up everything it touches.  Its involvement has visibly ruined education and health care and its fixes have made it worse.  Now these industries are crashing and should reform themselves without government involvement.  Its trade agreements have ruined the American free market economy.  Its foreign relations are rife with bribery and Marxist enabling. 

The federal government should collect $3 trillion in revenue and spend $1 trillion on debt repayment, $1 trillion on social security until it can be ended, and $1 trillion on federal government operations.  These should be limited to the enumerated powers stated in the US Constitution (as written). All unconstitutional activities should be sent to the States and the People.

Agencies like the EPA, HUD, Education, Energy, Labor, HHS, Interior, Commerce, etc. would be removed from the federal government’s grasp and would be operated by the states.

The US Military should assume control of the borders and immigration and be less involved in military foreign aid. Homeland security would dissolve most of its functions and move under DOD and Justice.  Immigration would cease.

Federal lands should be deeded to the States.

Government employee unions should be dissolved.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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