Thursday, June 18, 2015

Free Trade

Real free trade would be done without any government involvement.  Governments are parasites that feed on the private sector.  When government regulations and permits grow, trade is hampered.  India went through this bureaucratic gridlock in the 1960s, but they elected reformers who repealed enough unnecessary government regulations to begin to expand business.  By the 1980s, India was becoming viable and now it is thriving.  Recently, Australia replaced their government in order to repeal their carbon tax.  Countries can and do initiate reforms that benefit the people when the issues are clear to the voters.
Every business has vendors, other companies and individuals the company contacts when they need goods or services.  In manufacturing, companies need component parts and usually get these wherever they can. They need to be able to do this without government interference.
The US government will hamper free trade with treaties that seek to restrict the freedom of our trading partners.  They will insist on these countries adopting costly and unnecessary “reforms” like carbon reduction, abortion, gay marriage, transgender perks, open borders and subservience to UN scams. Third-world, low cost manufacturing and agriculture will always win out in this environment. They will simply ignore these “reforms”.
The best thing the US consumer could do is to begin to buy locally, look for alternate local vendors, move their business away from the big corporations and demand smaller cheaper government. The best thing the US government could do is to expedite energy exporting and forget about “messing with everybody”.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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