Friday, June 19, 2015

Selling Out American Sovereignty

Hannity: GOP Leadership ‘Selling Out American Sovereignty’

(Daily Caller) – Sean Hannity tore apart GOP leadership for continuing their push to give President Barack Obama Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) as the House looks to set up a vote as early as this week on the legislation.

On his Wednesday program, Hannity said House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel are “selling out American sovereignty,” adding that the secrecy of the bill shows those two and the Obama administration doesn’t “care what we think.”

“In spite of all the calls, I’m being told, going into Congress — like 30 to 1, they’re still pushing [TPA] anyway because they don’t care what we think,” Hannity said.

“The [Obama] administration, and Boehner, and McConnell, they’re selling out American sovereignty,” Hannity said. “The TPA will have sweeping authority over trade, immigration, environmental, labor, and commerce regulations.”

“We had Jeff Sessions on the program — this is what he was warning you. We had Congressman Duncan Hunter on, this is what he was warning us,” Hannity continued. “He said ‘if you adopt the fast-track, Congress would be formally authorizing the president to finalize the creation of this Pacific Union, and will have surrendered its legislative prerogatives.’”

“This is before a line, a word, a paragraph, a page of the plan is made public—the very things that Republicans swore that they would not do,” Hannity railed. “You know, Orrin Hatch admitted, ‘well, I don’t fully know what’s in it myself.’ Well then why are you promoting the fast-track for something that you don’t know what’s going to be in this thing?”


UN Agenda 21 requires that American sovereignty be destroyed. That is what Obama is implementing. We need to ban UN Agenda 21 and repeal Regionalism in the US state by state.  We need to end foreign aid, quit the UN and return to compliance with the US Constitution (as written).

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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