Saturday, July 4, 2015

Bigotry is all about Marxism

Our Discrimination Laws are a ruse
Just as the Civil War was all about the Tariff, our discrimination laws are all about Marxism. 
The American Communist Party began to form shortly after Karl Marx published his political struggle theories with his Communist Manifesto in 1848 and Das Kapital in 1867.  These were widely read, especially by the wealthy who were involved in charity works as well as academics, reformers bankers and government types. 
There was no shortage of poor dregs.  The serfs crawled out from under their hay wagons and went to work in the factories of the Industrial Revolution. Governments were Royal, arrogant and autocratic, so too were factory owners.
Hand-wringing do-gooders arrived before too many of these factory workers were shredded in their machines and the “labor movement” became the flesh and blood segregates of the Bourgeoisie. The timing was perfect for Karl Marx. Suggesting a political struggle would send the “fear of God” into the missing spines of our Royals. It suggested the bloody overthrow of governments.
Life in the US was not all that bad in 1867, despite the lack of penicillin and clean water.  We had a free market system with lots of land to settle and lots of opportunity.  You could work and save money and the money would be worth the same or better years later.  My grandfather was born in 1886, worked on the family farm and homeschooled. He went to work at a candy factory in St. Louis at age 11 and felt he was lucky to earn money to hire a science tutor. My great grandmother was born in 1865 and her parents had to live through the Civil War, so she knew “good times” were fleeting. Altogether, they were happy free enterprisers.
But Liberals are never happy. They have to find victims to obsess over.  Most of these victims welcome their obsessing, because they think they will benefit somehow. Victims are often smarter than we think. Many are not self-sufficient, but they are educable.  They simply need to abandon the poor ways that Poor dregs have and take responsibility for themselves.
Lots of these do-gooders had no idea that lots of these poor dregs were smart and that talent and intellect occurred in blacks and all other minorities in the same proportions as whites. So, they needed to be “saved” using other peoples’ money.
At the time, families were the financial back-stops for their own family members. Doctors had charity practices, Churches, neighbors and kind strangers also helped, but still, Liberals were not satisfied with this solution to feeding the poor. Their only solution was to have government take care of the poor, the children, the old, the disabled, because those other people weren’t doing it right.
Now, our once sustainable strategies for taking care of each other have been disassembled by the Marxists and they have led us to sovereign bankruptcy. 
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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