Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Socialist Scam is over

Early reports from Greece have shown us what’s in store for us if we don’t start to get our government debt paid down.
Nobody believes we can spend our way to prosperity any more.  Everybody believes that we will pay dearly for our expansion of socialist policies, government overspending, government over-borrowing, money printing and UN scams like “climate change”. Most politicians don’t want to talk about any of this and neither does the media. We need to put grown-ups in charge now, or we will be very sorry we didn’t very soon.
Now that the Greek story is in front of us and we can see that after missing the first payment on its $360 billion mortgage, the government cut pensions by 80%, stopped bank withdrawals and grocery stores refused to restock their shelves. Imported food sits on the docks. On day 3, many Greeks will go hungry tonight.
Well-to-do Greeks will want to stay in the EU and I’m sure they were the cheerleaders for the big spenders. We will soon learn how the other 90% of poor Greeks will vote. Polls report 43% Yes to 42% No.  The vote doesn’t matter to the EU. They may vote to stay in the EU and the EU might not let them. This is a Greek hemlock festival.
If EU policies are expensive and stupid, as I suspect they are, then the Greeks might do better on their own, but their bloated government and welfare state have to go. So they all need to mend their fishing nets and get their asses back to work. They forgot that the Bible said: ‘those who do not work, shall not eat’.
The myth that Europe is “more civilized and enlightened” is cracking.  What would happen to US citizens if the US government missed its interest payment on our $18 trillion mortgage?
We’ve all heard that the dollar will crash because of money- printing, excessive debt and other countries abandoning the dollar as its reserve currency for international trade.  The Federal Reserve increased the money supply by 450%, but the inflation that will cause is being forestalled by flat consumer demand and a bad economy that won’t turn around.  We’ve heard that the Federal Reserve printed $14 trillion and gave it to global banks at zero interest rate, so they would have some money to gamble with.
We’ve all heard that other countries are not interested in buying US debt.  When the Treasury has can no longer paper over excess federal spending with T Bills sales, the federal government, we are told, will seize our retirement accounts to continue to fund their overspending.
Cash flow is king in times like this. If Greece has a cash flow problem they should take their licks, cancel their ‘stimulus plans’ and fire lots of government employees. If Greece is just pretending to have a cash flow problem, they should hang all of their politicians, like the Italians hung Mussolini after WW II.
Many people ask me how we should prepare for the coming crashes and asset bubble bursts.  All I can tell them so far is to keep some cash in your mattress, buy lots of candles and can goods, plant a vegetable garden and pay off the house. If anything else makes sense to me as I research this mess, I’ll share it with you on this blog.
I do hope the EU unravels and fails, because I want to see those Marxists shuffling back to their rooms, mumbling to themselves.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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