Saturday, September 19, 2015

Limited Government

We tend to think “limited government” means a government that is effective, frugal and cost-efficient.  That was the standard used by wiser voters decades ago.  You elected the smartest “tight-fisted” farmer you could find to run for County Commissioner.  Voters wanted infrastructure built to last and didn’t want to overpay for anything.  They insisted that the low bidder got the contracted jobs. If the contractor did a poor job, they had to fix it.  But they were not charged tuition to learn this lesson and they were never hired again.
Government Overreach
We also want government to handle their primary functions and not overregulate or over-supervise.  We want a limited government footprint.  We have them handle necessities that require infrastructure like roads, bridges, water, sewers and garbage collection. Government is a utility and its priorities should be limited. Infringing on our freedom and property rights was not allowed before, but it is allowed now.
Government took over all the charitable work that was once done completely by the churches. Feeding, housing, medical care and education for the poor was done by churches and individuals until the 1900s. All of this was community based and not government subsidized.  Now the cost of these activities have quadrupled and governments are bankrupt.
Government got in the recreation business with private donations of land for parks with a few grills, picnic tables and benches.  Now governments are buying land and building ballparks, stadiums, on-street bike lanes, multiuse paths, huge bike trails, playgrounds, senior centers, youth centers and skate parks.
Governments went overboard on Land Use Plans and charge $300 for permits, fees, inspections and $7000 fines for pouring your own driveway.  You didn’t used to need a permit to replace your roof, driveway, water heater, oven, microwave, dishwasher, plumbing, electrical, HVAC unit or to dig a hole in your yard, but now you do need a permit from the city before you have these things done or do it yourself.  In the old days, you needed a permit if you did “major construction”. Now you need a permit for everything.
Government also receives fees from all of your utility bills just for being your government.
Problem functions
Police, EMS and Fire and their limits need to be understood.  They all arrive too late.  By the time they show up, the damage has been done.  Real crime prevention requires locks and guns in the hands of property owners and residents.  Real life-safety requires that you know first aid and you start CPR immediately.  Get the patient to the hospital yourself as fast as you can; you could save a life and save an unnecessary $1000 ambulance ride.
The most common fires can be prevented by installing a lightning rod on our home. If your Police are spending all their time giving you $150 tickets for not coming to a complete stop, you need a new Police Chief.
Zoning used to prevent land buyers from putting a hog farm or land-fill in the middle of your subdivision.  Now, under Zoning and Land Use ordinances, you need a permit to dig a hole in your yard.  Your subdivision is probably zoned to include “care homes”, which turn out to be commercial enterprises that reduce your property value.  In-fill is popular now, so a contractor might buy a home with a ¾ acre lot and try to split the lot and build 2 houses.  McMansions are also popular, so contractors might buy a home in your subdivision, tear it down, bring in fill dirt and send all the rain run-off into your yard.  All of this will cost you money for lawyers to protect your property value.
Easements are a scam. It’s on the lot you bought and you pay taxes on it, but you can’t use it.  The developer gave it to the government to provide “access” to utilities and to take from you to widen roads and build bike lanes, multi-use paths and sidewalks.  Some easements are 50 feet from the centerline of these streets, so when they are taken, you lose 1/3 of your yard. This is actually “public property” you are paying taxes on. Governments do not pay you for this land when they take it and you will be responsible for sidewalk repair. Rural conservation easements should be outlawed. All easements should be reduced to a reasonable size.
Government Schools
These schools are starting to teach Islam, homosexuality, trans-gender disorder and promiscuity to grade-schoolers. Neighborhood K-8 grade schools have been broken with Middle Schools. That created multiple trips to different locations and has resulted in more drugs and promiscuity for middle schoolers. Christianity is not allowed in government schools.
Costs in government schools have quadrupled and consume over 60% of state and county taxes due to overbuilding for unnecessary school replacement, federal and state requirements, government regulations, legal expenses and central office bureaucracy. Students used to be responsible for their own education, but now government has decided that it is responsible and that model isn’t working.
Non-government functions
Government should not handle any activities that can and should be handled by the private sector “free market”. If you want government to do it, it will cost double or triple what the free market could provide it for. Healthcare and Education are 2 examples of this and government has actually quadrupled the cost of these.
Other Government Problems
Government should not spend taxpayer dollars for “wildlife preserves”. Public Transit should be privatized and subsidies removed. Taxpayer subsidies for private investment should not be allowed.  Regulations that infringe on property rights and the private sector should be repealed. Federal parks and lands should be given back to the States. Federal grants and subsidies should cease. Campaign contributions should be limited to registered voters and only for those who would appear on their ballot. The US Constitution (as written) should be restored to limit the federal government to its enumerated powers. Threats to US sovereignty should be eliminated.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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