Saturday, September 19, 2015

Quit the UN

National Petition to Slash U.S. Funding of the United Nations
Whereas, the United States spends as much as a whopping 1.2 BILLION TAX DOLLARS in annual dues payments to the United Nations;
Whereas, we also pay $2.2 BILLION, or more than 28 percent, of the UN peacekeeping budget, and in addition, there are the “voluntary payments" that finance UN programs and funds, like UNICEF, so that in one recent year the U.S. paid the UN a record total of $7.7 BILLION;
Whereas, the U.S. pays 25 percent of all UN expenses annually, more than all of the other permanent members of the Security Council combined;
Whereas, this money is used to provide a platform for nations that despise us and oppose our American values of democracy, justice, free enterprise, privacy and private property rights;
Whereas, our tax dollars are paying for a rag-tag collection of dictators and socialists to propagandize and work against our security and economic interests;
Whereas, when we try to isolate the rogue dictatorships that are developing nuclear weapons and posing threats to our nation's and the world's security, we are often met with NO votes and multiple veto threats, while the UN eagerly hosts a string of dictators who come to our soil and attack our policies and insult us;
Whereas, when the United States rushed to help the injured, starving and dying in the wake of the massive earthquake in Haiti, we were accused by a UN official of trying to “occupy" the nation;
Whereas, the UN is worse than a wasteful, bloated paper tiger -- it is a paper tiger intent on biting the hand that feeds it -- the United States of America;
I, therefore, demand that Congress SLASH the billions of tax dollars we spend on the United Nations!
Source Council for Citizens against government waste

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