Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sharia Law Center at Yale

Ivy League school embraces Sharia law center and social media erupts: ‘I call this revolting’ September 13, 2015
Yale University is going so far to the left, it doesn’t know what’s right anymore. One of the most revered institutions of higher learning in the world, Yale, like most colleges and universities, is no stranger to having a liberal bias. But what’s been transpiring recently is nothing short of a left wing coup.
In this academic school year alone, a Yale professor has petitioned to have the title of master removed, students and faculty are petitioning to have the name of one of its colleges changed because of charges of racism, the university hired a Black Lives Matter professional protester to teach a course on the movement, and now it has taken $10 million from a Saudi millionaire to start an Islamic Law Center.
Abdallah S. Kamel who is the chief executive of the Dallah Albaraka Group, a Saudi Arabian real estate company, gave the donation after meeting with school executives, NBC News reported.
“The contemporary challenges of Islamic law are broadly relevant to political events throughout the entire Islamic world and those are developments that are watched by a much larger audience of people who in many cases have not much knowledge at all of the history and traditions if Islamic law,” Professor Anthony Kronman, a co-director of the center, said according to NBC News. Yale isn’t the first to have such a law center. Harvard started its own in 1993, partially funded by the Saudi King Fahd in 1993.
But Yale officials said they want to have the best Islamic law center in the country, and possibly the world, integrating it into the school’s law program, one of the best in the nation.
But what for? When exactly will American lawyers have to know how to practice Islamic law? Where will this be useful to them? And why are the elite of Saudi Arabia, a nation whose government officials and royalty are believed by some to have funded the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001, so interested in starting Sharia law centers at America’s top schools?
“It’s the responsibility of universities to teach and instruct and that obligation applies with particular force where an issue or a subject tends to be viewed in an incomplete or inadequate or even caricatured way,” Kronman told NBC News. “There the responsibility to teach and enlighten is even stronger.”
Oh those are caricatures the Islamic State is chopping the heads off of in the Middle East?
This news comes on the heels of a report Friday by the New York Times that students and faculty are petitioning to rename Calhoun College because its namesake, John C. Calhoun, was a white defender of slavery.
Calhoun was also a senator for 15 years and has memorials and statues nationwide including a statue in Washington D.C. another in Charleston, S.C. that was vandalized by Black Lives Matter protesters, a lake in Minnesota that activists are demanding be renamed and a Navy submarine that was decommissioned in 1994, the U.S.S John C. Calhoun.
Has Yale lost all sense of its purpose to teach America’s best and brightest minds, and is it tainting those minds with liberal propaganda instead?
Twitter users, including actor and outspoken conservative James Woods, were far from silent on it. But one summed it up the best, beginning with “I call this revolting.”

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