Monday, October 12, 2015

Accepting Refugees is Sovereign Suicide

Trump: German Chancellor Merkel is 'insane', GOP frontrunner calls Syrian refugee crisis 'a Trojan horse' in the making by Leo Hohmann 10/12/15, WND
Has German Chancellor Angela Merkel lost her mind?
Based on her decision to accept upwards of 1 million refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and other jihadist hotbeds, Donald Trump says the German leader is definitely ‘insane.”
“They’re going to have riots in Germany,” the GOP presidential hopeful said in an interview Sunday on CBS’s Face the Nation.  “I always thought Merkel was, like, this great leader. What she’s done in Germany is insane. It’s insane… letting in that many people.”
“I’ve been watching this migration. And I see the people. I mean, they’re men, they’re mostly men, and they’re strong men,” Trump said. “What I won’t do is take in 200,000 Syrians who could be ISIS.”
According to United Nations data 75 percent of the migrants flooding Europe this summer have been men between the ages of 18 and 45 and only 51 percent of them are from Syria. The others are coming from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Albania and Africa — all Muslim-dominated areas.
President Obama has agreed to take 85,000 refugees in fiscal 2016 including at least 10,000 from Syria, and that number will likely increase in 2017 when Obama plans to increase the overall number of refugees accepted into the U.S. to 100,000.
Several refugee lobbies, including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, have been pushing Obama to take more Syrians and more refugees in general. The U.S. Catholic Bishops, for example, on have a statement on their website calling for the U.S. to take 100,000 refugees from around the world and another 100,000 just from Syria for a total of 200,000 per year.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops gets paid hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars per year to resettle refugees in American cities and towns. It is one of nine primary contractors who act as essentially an arm of the federal government for the refugee resettlement program.
Meanwhile, in apparent acquiescence to Pope Francis’s call for the U.S. to be more welcoming toward refugees the U.S.
Catholic Bishops have announced the Parishes to Welcome Refugees program, which provides community volunteers to help sponsor newly arriving Syrian and other refugees and provide for their critical needs.
The U.S. has already taken in 1,865 Syrian refugees since January 2012, almost all of them within the past year.
In a recent statement, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urged:” … all Catholics in the United States and others of good will to express openness and welcome to these refugees, who are escaping desperate situations in order to survive. Regardless of their religious affiliation or national origin, these refugees are all human persons—made in the image of God, bearing inherent dignity, and deserving our respect and care and protection by law from persecution.”
Trump: ‘Where are the women’
Trump said if he were president he might take a few thousand women and children from Syria but that’s not what he’s seeing in Germany. “These are physically young, strong men. They look like prime-time soldiers. Now, it’s probably not true. But where are the women?” the GOP frontrunner asked on Face the Nation.
“What she’s done in Germany is insane. It’s insane,” he repeated. “They’re having all sorts of attacks.”
Trump also called the refugee crisis “a Trojan horse” in the making.
"I love a safe zone for people,” Trump said. “I do not like the migration. I do not like the people coming. This could be the greatest Trojan horse. This could make the Trojan horse look like peanuts if these people turned out to be a lot of ISIS."
Germany's welcoming attitude toward Muslim asylum seekers has already produced a surge in violent crime in cities and towns across Germany. German authorities, however, are downplaying the lawlessness, apparently to avoid further fueling the growing anti-immigration sentiment, according to a report by the Gatestone Institute.
A confidential police report leaked to a German newspaper reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014.
Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 a day — is woefully under-reported.
"The current spike in crime — including rapes, sexual and physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies, burglaries and drug trafficking — comes amid a record-breaking influx of refugees from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Western Balkans," Gatestone reports.
According to a classified document obtained by the German newspaper, Bild, the government now estimates that Germany will receive as many as 1.5 million asylum seekers in 2015, including 920,000 in the last quarter of 2015. This figure is nearly double the previous estimate of 800,000 from August. By comparison, Germany received 202,000 asylum seekers in all of 2014 which at the time was considered a huge number.
With family reunifications included, the document warns the actual number of asylum seekers could swell to more than seven million, based on the assumption that individuals whose applications are approved will bring between four and eight additional family members to Germany.
Merkel last week defended her strategy against growing criticism saying, "We will manage." Merkel has welcomed the flood of mostly Syrian and Afghan refugees saying it's her "damned duty" to help those running for their lives.
The Gulf States “who have nothing but money” and others should find a big swath of land in Syria and create a safe zone to harbor families, Trump suggested. The U.S. could help economically, but should limit taking in Syrian refugees because they could be terrorists, he said.
Trump said he supports the idea of a no-fly zone inside Syria.
"I love a safe zone for people. I do not like the migration. I do not like the people coming," he said. "Frankly, look, Europe's going to have to handle it."
Another solution he posed is that the Gulf States would "all get together and they should take a big swath of land in Syria, and they should do a safe zone for people...where they could live. And then ultimately, go back to their country, go back to where they came from."
Asked about his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he told Face the Nation that, "I would probably get along with him very well. And I don't think you'd be having the kind of problems that you're having right now."

Germany needs to send Syria a bill for the care and feeding of its refugees unless they put them in a Syrian-based “safe zone”. The new Berlin “air lift” should ship Arabs out of Berlin and back to Arabia. With 300 on each plane, they could ship out 30,000 on the next 100 plane trips.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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