Monday, October 12, 2015

Liberals & Conservatives Agree

There are problems we do agree on, but we do not agree on the solutions.  Liberals prefer socialism, environmentalism and global governance. Conservatives prefer free markets, small government, few regulations and national sovereignty.  Socialist infiltration of the Democrat Party started the fight and the socialist infiltration of the Republican Party has complicated the situation.

Liberals and Conservatives can agree on several things we identify as problems:  household income is down and declining and needs to increase, the US needs more jobs, and the national debt is a problem that needs to be fixed.

We do not agree on many solutions.  Liberals want to address declining household incomes with a higher minimum wage and more union workers.  Liberals want to create more government jobs and they want to increase taxes to balance the budget.

Conservatives want to address declining household incomes and fewer jobs by imposing current immigration laws, deporting criminals and tightening immigration qualifications, removing unnecessary regulations and keeping energy prices as low as possible.

Liberals have no answers to these positions, but the solutions need to be debated. I think Liberals have had their way for 130 years and the end results are abysmal.

Hawks and Internationalists in both parties agree that the US must continue to be the worlds’ policeman despite the fact that we are broke. Donald Trump wants reimbursement for this service and that solves it for me.

Fiscal Hawks in both parties support less nonessential military intervention, but they are miles apart on sovereignty and Constitutional compliance, think Rand Paul or Ted Cruz vs Barack Obama, who doesn’t even like essential military intervention.

Democrats have joined bad trade agreement loving RINOs in approving the TPP, a sovereignty killing, job off-shoring, immigration increasing bad trade agreement written by global corporate Marxists to usher in world governance.

We are likely to lose our sovereignty to the TPP unless RINOs see the light and reverse their votes.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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