Monday, October 12, 2015

Increasing Self Reliance

The US government had it made when they didn’t have to subsidize its citizens. The private economy provided opportunity for all citizens to support themselves. In the 18th and 19th centuries, governments funded themselves with tariffs. That made imports more expensive for consumers, but we had jobs available to make goods in the US for US consumers. Tariffs could be lowered if we experienced crop failures or shortages of essential goods. Immigration was a means to increase the number of workers and was only used when we could deliver jobs to these immigrants. The US was self-sufficient and had the best economic and government model on the planet. Except for the Civil War, the US government had operated in compliance with the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and it worked.
That model started to dissolve in the late 19th century and by the end of the 20th century, that model was tossed.  
Immigration was now based on the US government’s need for taxes to support the socialist policies it adopted as early as the 1870s with government land grabs resulting in government owning 1/3rd of the US land mass.
In 1913 government established the income tax with the top rate eventually reaching 90%. Congress gave its power to coin money to a private, unelected Federal Reserve and they began to print money and the value of the US dollar fell to 3 cents. The US government would violate the Constitution from here on
By the late 1930s government had established Social Security and the Department of Organized Labor. By the late 1960s government had established Medicare and Welfare and expanded immigration. By the late 2000s, the government had established the Departments of Education Energy, Health and Human Services and Homeland Security.  
By 2000, the US was set up to decline. Tariffs were all but eliminated to accommodate global corporations. Immigration was out of control.  Millions of jobs had been off-shored permanently. Household income declined. Government spending skyrocketed.    
Europe had adopted the Vat Tax as a replacement for tariffs, but the US didn’t.  At this point, a Vat Tax would break us. Tariffs were paid by the importer to the government.  Then the importer would add that to the price.  The Vat Tax is paid by the domestic consumer like a sales tax.
Angus Deaton, Princeton Economics Professor received the Nobel Prize this year. He studied consumption and correctly equated it with demand. He then stated that consumers needed liquidity, but didn’t assign responsibility to increase liquidity to the individual consumers. He studied savings, but he didn’t mention that saving money is discouraged by money printing, inflation and loss of currency value (debasement). He concluded that malnutrition was caused by poverty. He made up countless mathematical equations, but didn’t address how governments keep their populations in poverty.
Universities need to reorganize and move Economics, Environmental Studies and Climate Science to the Political Science Department.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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