Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Germany’s Trojan Horse

Germany Finally Admit That Terror Cells Are Targeting Syrian Refugees, by Mike Lavery 11/30/15

·        Radical Islamists are trying to recruit arriving refugees by offering them items and services they desperately need. German officials are warning of a specific new risk posed by accepting refugees from the Middle East.
     It was later that at least one of the terrorists involved in the Paris attacks exploited the refugee crisis to gain access to the country.

German officials are warning of a specific new risk posed by accepting refugees from the Middle East, as more than 1 million of them are expected to enter the European country in the next year alone.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that German homegrown radical Islamists are trying to recruit arriving refugees by offering them items and services they desperately need as they escape the war-torn region: food, shelter, language interpretation, copies of the Koran and traditional Muslim clothing.\

“They start by saying, ‘We will help you live your faith,’” Torsten Voss of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency told the Journal, according to Fox News. “The Islamist area comes later — that is, of course, their goal.”

In response to this risk, German authorities in Berlin have issued a 16-page warning to aid workers, calling attention to three mosques in particular with suspected radical Islamist ties. But at this point, there’s little authorities can do aside from asking radicalization experts which mosques to recommend for flagging.

“I’m afraid that anti-Americanism, anti-Israel sentiment and anti-Semitism will be on the rise,” Der Tagesspiegel, editor in chief Malte Lehming told Fox News in October. “We have very limited educational tools to change that. Syria is one of the most anti-Israel countries, influenced by Iran and helped by Hezbollah.”

Concerns come just two weeks after the Paris terrorist attacks in which about 130 people were killed and dozens more were injured. It was later discovered that at least one of the terrorists involved in the attacks exploited the refugee crisis to gain access to the country.

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