Tuesday, December 1, 2015

ISIS at the Border

More Middle Eastern Illegals Caught At Unsecured Southern Border, How Many Are ISIS Operatives?

In recent days, several groups of illegal aliens coming from Syria and other ISIS and Al-Qaeda infested countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan have been caught trying to enter the U.S. through our southern border.

Following a string of terror attacks in Paris, Beirut, and Mali, and the downing of a Russian passenger plane, concerns of Islamic extremists using this country’s refugee program to gain entry to our homeland has many people on edge. But recent reports of Syrians and other Middle Easterners coming through our open borders reminds us that we need to remain vigilant about our safety.

Recent cases that have been reported to the public:
·        8 Syrians caught crossing into Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector,
·        5 Syrians caught at the international bridge in Laredo, Texas,
·        5 Pakistanis, 1 Afghani caught 16 miles inside Arizona
·        Add to this the 5 Syrians with fake Greek passports who were caught in Honduras on their way to the Guatemalan border, with plans to eventually make their way to the U.S.

These are just those cases that have been reported by concerned agents who believe that U.S. citizens deserve to know what is going on at our border right now.

According to Breitbart, National Border Patrol Council Local 2455 President Hector Garza, a border patrol agent himself, said the agency was contacted about reports of Syrians crossing the southern border.

“Border Patrol agents who we represent have been contacting our organization to voice concerns about reports from other agents that Syrians crossed the U.S. border from Mexico in the Laredo Sector,” Garza told Breitbart Texas.

“Our agents have heard about Syrians being apprehended in the area from other federal agents,” he said. “At this time, I cannot confirm or deny that Syrians have crossed, for security reasons.”

Garza noted that because of the sensitive nature of Syrians crossing the border, federal agencies are not likely to publicize such an occurrence.

In a separate report, Breitbart’s Brandon Darby said, …the presence of these Syrians arriving at the Laredo port of entry, combined with the Pakistanis and Afghans who were arrested in southern Arizona, shows there is a pipeline whereby people can travel from the Middle East to Mexico. They are then able to move quickly up to the American border and then cross, either at a port of entry like these two groups of Syrians have done, or by crossing the wide-open unsecured border like happened in Arizona.

There is no shortage of those in the Obama administration who want to convince Americans that we have nothing to worry about when it comes to our open borders and from bringing Syrian refugees into this country. But other governments, like Greece, are warning us that it is “nearly impossible” to locate the jihadists who are hiding among the refugees.

Jihadists have proven time and again when going through detailed security checks in Greece and other European countries that they can breeze past every security check with flying colors. For example, one of the Paris attackers, Abdelhamid Abaaoud passed the security checks in Greece without triggering a single security warning, according to French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve.

What do you think, is it time we had a government who was willing to do the right thing in order to keep Americans safe?

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