Saturday, March 12, 2016

GA English Bill Killed

GEORGIA: Rep. Wendell Willard-directed sub-committee kills official English legislation under the Gold Dome today
• SR 675 likely dead forever – BUT: a chance for re-consideration if pro-English conservatives focus, unite and take action ASAP
* ACTION NEEDED for possible SR 675 reconsideration
Despite polls that show 76% of Georgians want to do it, you probably won’t be allowed to vote on amending the state constitution to make English Georgia’s official language of government when you vote in November. About 4:00 PM today, a Republican-controlled House Judiciary sub-committee let the anti-English Democrats do the Chamber of Commerce-directed dirty work and intentionally stopped SR 675.

Make no mistake: The leader of this little scheme is Republican state Rep Wendell Willard, with able assistance from sub-committee Chairman, Republican Rep Johnnie Caldwell and the Republican members of the sub-committee that did not show up for the hearing on SR 675.

You need to know that there was no requirement for a vote today. The Chairman has complete power to decide if there is a vote. As Chairman, if you want a bill to pass out of committee, you don’t call for a vote unless you are certain you have the needed votes in the room.

You should also remember that SR 675 passed the state Senate on February 29 by a 2/3rds majority. For the people who wonder why Republicans are voting for Donald Trump…

The Chamber of Commerce-Republican parliamentary scheme for the death of SR675 and our chance to vote on official English in November goes like this: As Chairman of the Judiciary Committee - Rep Wendell Willard (R) - appoint a “yes man” as one of your sub-committee Chairmen- Rep Johnnie Caldwell (R). Have Caldwell hold a hearing on Senate Resolution 675 in which there are four (4) Democrats and two (2) Republicans present because you “suggested” that the GOP members stay away on “other business.”

Take quick testimony from the usual suspects in the illegal alien, anti-English lobby and then as sub-Committee Chairman, look around the room, insure that there are not enough GOP votes to pass out the legislation, and then make it clear that you are ready for a vote. Let the four Dems kill the Republican Resolution, and walk away with a grin. “The Democrats did it…”
By the House rules any member of the sub-Committee can ask for reconsideration and perhaps get another vote when the Republican members show up. HERO ALERT: Rep Barry Fleming did show up today and is willing to request a do-over. WE MUST BE QUICK.

Call and email the offices of Judiciary Chairman Wendell Willard, subcommittee Chairman Johnnie Caldwell and the offices of the Republican members of the Caldwell sub-committee who styed away on “other business” so the Dems could kill the bill when Caldwell took a vote. The below list shows the sub-committee membership and has the contact info for the Reps who need to be the focus of your opinion. Please see the red “CONTACT” note for the GOP legislators that should hear from We The People.

Shorter: How to intentionally kill SR 675, official English legislation.
Arrange for a meeting with two Republicans vs. four Democrats in a Republican-controlled General Assembly, a Republican-controlled House of Representatives, a Republican-controlled Judiciary Committee and a Republican-controlled Judiciary sub-committee:
Caldwell Subcommittee (Two) of the Georgia House

Judiciary Committee Members:
→CONTACT: Rep. Johnnie Caldwell, Chairman (R) ATTENDED/ASKED FOR VOTE  404.656.0325
Rep. Ronnie Mabra (D) attended and voted NO
Rep. Taylor Bennett (D) attended and voted NO
Rep. Roger Bruce (D) attended and voted NO
Rep. Stacey Evans (D) attended and voted NO
Ex Officio members: (they do vote)
→CONTACT: Rep. Wendell Willard (R) DID NOT ATTEND – is Chairman of Judiciary Committee 404.656.5125
→THANK YOU! Rep. Barry Fleming (R) ATTENDED AND VOTED YES  404.656.0152

Source: DA King, New Georgia Republican Leadership (facebook) 3/11/16

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