Saturday, March 12, 2016

Refugee Mess in MN

Minnesota: government grants to stem “alienation” of Somali refugee youths awarded, by Ann Corcoran 3/11/16

They still think that all they need is a little basketball program to combat the enormous power of Islamic jihad indoctrination that you know is going on in mosques in refugee-saturated Minnesota (and other states where Somali enclaves are growing).

So after you have already shelled out billions of dollars to raise Somali youths (medical, housing, education etc.), now you further shell out tax dollars for programs to combat alienation.  Give me a break!

Could they have been saved from the siren-song of ISIS recruiters if they had a little more youth athletics available to them?

Start asking why are we still bringing in thousands upon thousands of Somalis every year and have done so for over 30 years (45,718 since Obama was elected, some with mental health issues!) and then to still be told they are alienated!

And, by the way, this should be a warning to everyone: once we open the Syrian spigot wide, Syrians will be admitted to the US as refugees for the next 30 years (or more!).

From ABC News: Six organizations that work with young Somalis in Minnesota have been awarded $300,000 in grants as part of a federal pilot project designed to combat terrorism recruitment, the nonprofit group that is administering the funds announced Thursday.

The grant recipients include a youth athletics group, a program that empowers Somali parents, an organization that plans to enhance youth employment opportunities and a group that addresses mental health issues for refugees. An additional $100,000 has been set aside to help with professional development and other efforts designed to build up the programs so they can sustain themselves in the future.

Marcus Pope, director of partnerships and external relations for Youthprise, the nonprofit administering the money, said investing in youth development is crucial. He said Minnesota is home to many young Somalis who are creative and bright, but a lot of them face “formidable challenges, including a sense of alienation, a search for identity as new immigrants, unemployment and poverty that can open them to recruitment by extremist groups.” More here.

And for you Minnesotans trying to get a handle on who all is behind transforming Minnesota, be sure to examine Youthprise carefully.  Looks like some of their ‘supporters’ represent industries that need to keep their cheap immigrant labor flowing into the state.  Can’t have those ‘alienated’ Islamists causing citizens to get riled-up against refugee resettlement.

See all of our previous posts on Minnesota by clicking here (be prepared for hours of reading fun!).

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