Saturday, August 13, 2016

Police 101

Police don’t prevent crime; they investigate crime and try to catch the criminal.  There is some “deterrent” for “non-criminals” to follow the Law, but this deterrent doesn’t deter the “criminals”. 

Criminals seem happy to continue to commit crimes and excited to get away with it, but are equally content to get caught and spend time in jail with their peers.  There they spend their time learning from other criminals, making contacts, trying to get pardoned and filing appeals. 

There are innocent citizens in jail, but DNA and other advances are fixing these errors.  There are more Blacks in jails, but that’s because Blacks commit more crimes.

The higher the prison population, the lower the crime rate.  We have seen this over the past few decades.  We are now seeing an increase in crime due to open borders and the excessive release of convicts.

Actual crime prevention is up to each citizen.  We need to lock our doors and windows and avoid situations that put us in “harms-way”.  This limits our freedom, but is necessary in our current environment, because criminals are being released and welcomed instead of being imprisoned.

The Police motto is to “protect and defend”, so when they issue a traffic violation, they are intending to protect you from yourself.  Their motto should be “to investigate and arrest”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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