Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Manchurian President

Obama is the first President we ever had who was raised to be a committed Communist operative.  His parents and grandparents and their friends were Communists.  Obama was sponsored by Communists to attend Colombia and Harvard Law and was selected by Communists to win elected office as a State Senator and US Senator.  He was virtually unopposed by McCain and Romney and the Republican Congress gave him everything he wanted with very little push-back.

There is a case for determining that Obama and Clinton did engineer the creation of ISIS on purpose.  They are both more committed to UN Agenda 21 than they are to the American people.  They would gladly increase our electric bills 5-fold to continue the global warming hoax in order to implement the carbon tax scam. UN Agenda 21 requires that national sovereignty be replaced with appointed governance by the UN as the “one-world government”.  Open borders, the formation of the EU and mass Muslim migration are programs that support national dissolution. 

Obama’s removal of US troops from Iraq set up for failure.  Iraq had a flawed President and government and it didn’t take long for Iran to dominate them.  This set up a vacuum that ISIS could enter.  Obama’s decision to destabilize Syria by supporting “rebels” to overthrow Assad destabilized Syria and allowed ISIS to form in Syria and spill over into Iraq.  Clinton supplied weapons to terrorists in Syria from Benghazi Libya. Obama’s withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan resulted in more Muslim migration to Europe.

Obama supported the “Arab Spring” to destabilize the Middle East to prepare the Middle East to become a “region” of a UN global government.

The Arab Spring was a wave of demonstrations and protests (both non-violent and violent), riots, and civil wars in the Arab world that began on 18 December 2010 in Tunisia with the Tunisian Revolution, and spread throughout the countries of the Arab League and its surroundings. Major insurgencies in Syria, Libya, and Yemen resulted along with civil uprisings in Egypt and Bahrain, large street demonstrations in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, and Oman, and minor protests even in Saudi Arabia.

While the wave of initial revolutions and protests faded by mid-2012, some started to refer to the succeeding and still ongoing large-scale discourse conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa as the Arab Winter. The most radical discourse from Arab Spring into the still ongoing civil wars took place in Syria as early as the second half of 2011.
Many Arab Spring demonstrations were met with violent responses from authorities, as well as from pro-government militias and counter-demonstrators. These attacks were answered with violence from protestors in some cases.

Muslims are invading Europe in a war of migration and are destroying these European countries.  If Obama can bankrupt the US and funnel money to the UN, he will have advanced to UN goal to become the global government.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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