Saturday, September 3, 2016

Reform the Congress

Campaign contributions need to be restricted to allow only registered voters to make legal campaign contributions and only to those candidates who appear on their ballot.  Special interest can exercise their own political voice on their own websites.

The US Congress should not allow federal agencies to write regulations and issue them without approval of these regulations by the Congress.  Congress has been passing vague Bills that allow federal agencies to impose whatever they want to impose.

The US Congress should pass clean Bills and not allow unrelated amendments to have a free ride.  This is how we get “bad law”.

Congress should repeal bad laws like the Community Reinvestment Act 1993 and HUD anti-discrimination rules that caused the 2008 Meltdown.

Congress needs to make the federal government compliant with the US Constitution (as written) to comply with the “enumerated powers” granted by the States to the Federal and close all unconstitutional departments, agencies and programs.

Congress needs to balance the federal budget and begin paying off the $20 Trillion National Debt.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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