Saturday, September 3, 2016

We need to Clean House

US Federal government policies have not been thought through rationally or wisely.  It appears they were put into motion on purpose to create problems.  

Our federal government is totally corrupt and we have become a “banana republic”.  Our government runs on bribery and extortion.  This is the same corruption that has inflicted “banana republics” all over the world.

This corruption began when we started replacing the free market with the “managed economy” and began allowing the government to overregulate the private sector.

How did the Congress allow the passage of NAFTA to off-shore our manufacturing jobs in 1993 after having doubled US immigration from 500 thousand to 1 million a year in 1989 and then raising it to 2 million and 3 million a year, while we amassed 100 million working-age US citizens without jobs today?  How could this have gone on without knowing that the 150,000 jobs created each month since 2008 would be soaked up by the 150,000 immigrants entering the US each month, so that the 150,000 new grads would find no jobs? 

How could Congress have failed to see the danger in the Community Reinvestment Act of 1993 and HUD anti-discrimination rules forcing banks and lenders to give mortgage loans to unqualified buyers that caused the Meltdown of 2008? 

How could Congress have overspent $5 trillion from 2000 to 2008 and overspent $10 trillion from 2008 to 2016? 

How could Congress have allowed $Trillions to have been spent on UN Agenda 21 implementation in the US, knowing that global warming is a hoax and knowing that Agenda 21 would remove citizens’ property rights and squander $Trillions?

How could Congress have allowed the EPA to close our coal-fired electrical power plants and hydro plants knowing that this would increase our energy costs and damage our economy?

How could Congress have allowed the continuing federal land and water grabs that violate citizens’ private property rights?

How could Congress allow the unconstitutional expansion of federal lands when this already includes one third of the US land mass?

How could Congress have allowed US banks to risk $300 Trillion in hedge-fund derivatives without making them totally responsible for losses and issuing limits on making these bets based on bank assets?

How could Congress have allowed the Federal Reserve to increase the money supply by 450%, knowing that banks are using this to make derivative bets and this money printing alone would result in ruining the dollar and the US economy?

How could Congress have allowed Obama to ordered States to receive Muslim refugees into the US by the tens of thousands, when we all see the destruction they’ve brought to Europe?

How could Congress have enacted so many unconstitutional laws and authorized so many unconstitutional departments, agencies and programs without proposing Amendments to the Constitution to be ratified by the States?

How could Congress have allowed Obama to be elected? How could Congress have not impeached Obama?

It looks like Congress wants to destroy the US Constitution, the US economy and US sovereignty to become part of a one-world US government.  It looks like Congress and the US federal government is guilty of treason.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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