Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sticks and Stones

Democrats continue to choose name calling as the centerpiece of their campaign in response to Trump’s policy proposals. They cannot defend their own policy failures and want to gloss over their plans for more taxes and regulations. This strategy only works with Demo-bots and government student loan victims who want a bailout.

Name calling was the fuel used to advance the political correctness era that has controlled Congress for the past few decades. That’s how our poorly crafted environmental and anti-discrimination policies got way out of control.  Special interest groups would threaten politicians if they objected to taking these policies over the top.

Communists were successful driving their agenda by using political correctness, extortion, bribery and calling those who oppose them racist bigots.  After a while this wears thin and that’s where we are now. Politicians are under attack by citizens demanding that they give America a break from government abuse and now they have to choose which side they are on.

When it became clear that global warming was a hoax, the house of cards began to fall. When Trump killed political correctness in the first debate, the tyranny of political correctness began to dissolve. Most voters are weary of the name-calling strategy and don’t equate Trump’s policy proposals with racism. If this realization continues to advance, voters will eventually recover from this brainwashing and the race-baiting game will be over.

Trump has traveled the world and knows that people throughout the world are equally capable. He also knows that those parts of the world where people are held back is rooted in government corruption, bad leadership and cultural impediments. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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