Saturday, September 10, 2016

TV Show Subliminal Messages

Just like you can tell what not to buy from the number of telemarketer calls you receive, you can get a hint what the Liberals want to tweak us with by looking at some of the TV programs we are subjected to. 

Just like the Feminist Movement was the advanced PR campaign for the doubling of prices and 100% stagflation in the late 1970s, these media messages have a specific purpose. After we fix global warming and our electric bills are 500% higher, we will need to find ways to reduce our expenses.

The message in “Tiny House” is that most of us should all prepare to be poor and will no longer be able to afford the larger houses we are in right now.  These Liberals obviously didn’t read the “Rat Crowding” studies conducted by the Psychologists in the 1950s.

“Floating House” is another version of “Tiny House” for homebodies who plan to survive on the fish they catch. This lifestyle can be seen along rivers in most third-world countries.  Alligators and poisonous snakes are available in the Southern States, but having crocodiles may require moving overseas.

In “Naked and Afraid”, we are learning how to survive by eating bugs and camping out.  The addition of dangerous man-eating animals in some of these episodes will acclimate us to camping after the “Wildings Project” is implemented.  The naked part is just to show that these producers can get away with televising nudity.

“Naked Dating” is another TV show that demonstrates the clout these porn producers have.  It encourages everyone to have the morals of an alley cat.  This will be necessary to contend with the level of moral decay they have planned for us.

“Ancient Alien Theorists” is a substitute for the failing theory of “Evolution”.  Having failed to prove this theory beyond micro-organisms like viruses, Atheists suggest that we were bred by “Creatures from Outer Space”.  The absence of evidence for this theory is similar to the problem the Evolutionists have.  If they could only get our evil governments to tell us the truth, they would have more listeners and higher ratings.

“The End is Near” message is available on special programs about Nostradamus, the Aztec Calendar and St. Malachy, but can also be found on several Bible thumping programs on several channels.  St Malachy predicted that our last Pope would be Pope Francis and I can understand why Malachy would say that.  We’ve survived bad Popes in the past, like Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503), but he was just evil, Francis is delusional.

“Global Warming” doesn’t have its own channel yet, but the Weather Channel is close.  You can find it in almost all of Obama’s speeches, but it hasn’t really caught peoples’ imagination, despite the fact that it’s a fanciful tale about how carbon dioxide will destroy the earth.  There are paid fans of this theory, but they are less vocal than they’ve been in the past.

“Crime Shows” occupy most of the other channels. These shows have a variety of plots and may contain multiple messages.  One message is to expect more crime. This fits well with our policy of releasing violent felons and importing terrorists.  Other crime programs showcase criminal trials and showcase short sentences for plea deals.  This should encourage criminals to look forward to more active street time. But it could be an overstatement of our crime to convince us that we really need more government employees. These shows started in the 1970s to encourage kids to want to be cops and spread to showcase being a lifeguard or fire fighter, so it may just be a way to tell us that soon the only employment will be government employment.

Shopping Channel shows have gone to jewelry to encourage us to have lots of jewelry for the criminals in the crime shows to steal from our homes.

Most political programming comes from the news channels.  It is like an indoctrination camp. But what they’re not saying screams volumes about what they are paid not to cover.

Antique Roadshow suggests that we look around our attic to sell what we can find because there are not jobs and we have no money.  I particularly like the one from the UK, because these folks have been going broke for a long time. Strange Inheritance is designed to have actual heirs do the work of finding out the value of their inheritance, so the government gets the maximum inheritance tax.

PBS programs about our past “progressive” Presidents and our National Parks are countermeasures to current attacks on Democrats and their policies. 

Zombie and Vampire movies could be metaphors for our banking system, but they could also be ads for drug addiction.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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