Sunday, December 11, 2016

Obamacare Repeal

Insurance companies should be resurrecting their old major medical catastrophic plans for medically necessary rescue and restoration coverage.  The premium for this bare bones coverage should have high deductibles like $5000 to $25,000 and should cover 100% of costs up to $1 million.  These could be bought by the young and the healthy, who could also set up healthcare savings accounts to cover their deductibles or add to their retirement savings.

Those with poor health or chronic medical issues might buy plans that cover whatever maintenance they require for conditions like diabetes until they can lose enough weight to no longer need the treatment.  They may want to have lower deductibles, but would have to pay for these based on their illnesses.  These prices could be community rated or based on actual individual costs. Insurance is a cash-flow device, not a lottery winning.

These new policies should include the ability of families to continue to cover their children up to age 26 and should prohibit denial of coverage due to pre-existing conditions. But these should also be priced in to the premium.

Open enrollment requirements should be eliminated, so that health insurance coverage will continue with the same coverages the ensured chooses until they want to change. Requiring open enrollment is unnecessary and adds a burden to employers and employees.

These choices need to be offered to all citizens immediately, so they can abandon their inflated Obamacare premiums and switch to a cheaper plan as soon as Obamacare is repealed.

The repeal of Obamacare should eliminate the fines to individuals and employers and end the 30 hour rule for determining full-time employment.

Hospitals should not be allowed to require tests that patients don’t want in order to be admitted for surgery.  Defensive medicine needs to end.  These tests are required by lawyers.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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