Sunday, January 8, 2017

Federal Government Establishment

Most federal employees and elected officials on the job today are big government liberals. This includes all Democrats and 80% of the Republicans. They work in government because they believe in government. They waste $trillions of dollars and charge it to the national debt. They are currently scrambling to preserve their big-spending ways and are resisting spending cuts.

These employees are heavily invested in foreign relations, socialist programs and their own continued employment by the federal government. These are the primary sources of overspending and waste. Elected officials are funded by special interest and do not work for the voters. They spend all of their time fundraising and don’t take the time to read the Bills before they vote on them. Then they let the agencies make up what they want the Bills to say and impose these regulations on the rest of us.

Conservatives are shunned and targeted for elimination. Ron Paul, the 30 year Conservative Republican Congressman from Texas was the exception. He spend his time reporting errors back to his colleagues. He was stunningly accurate in his predictions. His message did get through to conservative voters and now we have a chance to “drain the swamp”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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