Sunday, January 8, 2017

Liberals Attack Sessions

The Atlanta Journal article published on page one Friday January 5, 2016 is titled “Progeny of segregated South nominee evokes turbulent past”. The article suggests that Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) will need to defend his “racist” past in order to be confirmed as US Attorney General. The article condemns Sessions for not being a “civil rights activist” when he was a teenage high school and college student in Alabama in the 1960s. 

Jeff Sessions was the first elected official to publicly recognize the damaging effects that excessive immigration has had on US citizen unemployment.  There are 84 million working-age US citizens without jobs and our current low performing economy only produces 1.8 million new jobs a year. We also graduate 1.8 million students each year. We have also exported our manufacturing jobs.  We import well over 2 million immigrants each year and this needs to stop.

If we end all immigration now, it will still take decades before we will have enough jobs for those in the 84 million group who need to work.  The immigrants we are importing are low skill and most are going on welfare. This also needs to stop, because it is attracting the poor from around the world to enter the US.

Jeff Sessions championed the task of exposing the devastating effects of excessive immigration years ago and he should be recognized by the Black Caucus as the savior of young Blacks in 2017 who need jobs.

As economist Milton Friedman said: ‘You can have open borders or you can have a welfare system, but you can’t have both.’

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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