Monday, January 16, 2017

Ignore the Democrats

They are all Communists and they live in a delusional bubble. They are big government, big spenders. They are unbridled socialists who are determined to regulate our private sector into oblivion. Their policies are suicidal and they never give up trying to destroy the country. Republicans should act like pre-1994 Democrats and ignore these clowns.

Democrats need to either get on board or get out of the way.  The professional way to behave as the “loyal opposition” is to dig deep into the Bills and identify the worst case scenario outcomes and inject these warnings and questions into the debate. Maybe that’s too much work for Democrats, but it is what legislators in the minority party need to do in order to become “positive contributors”. 

One Law that should have never been passed was the Community Reinvestment Act of 1993, which required banks and lenders to give mortgages to unqualified buyers because they were Black or Hispanic. That together with HUD anti-discrimination rules resulted in too many mortgage foreclosures and triggered the 2008 Meltdown. The global economy has really never recovered from this liquidity crisis.

Where were the Republicans when these suicidal laws were passed?  These laws are still on the books. Where are the Bills to repeal these dangerous laws?  Only crooks and fools would have done this. These were Democrat Bills.

How many bad Democrat laws can we afford to pass before we blow this country up due to fiscal mismanagement?

I believe the Democrats will not engage as professional “loyal opposition” legislators.  I think they want to ruin the country on purpose.  I think they will carp about needing to bring the country together, but what they really mean is to bring the country together under their reckless rule.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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