Monday, January 16, 2017

Russian Witch Hunt

This is simply a political attack on Trump by the Democrats.

The notion that the Russians somehow cause Trump to be elected is a “red herring”, an implausible falsehood made up by Democrats to give them a distraction and an excuse to complain about the fact that Trump beat Hillary. They are fighting like hell to keep all of their bad laws intact so they can turn the US into a socialist 3rd world wasteland. We don’t want that; we want a meritocracy with a robust private economy and a small government that minds its own business. 

Trump was the one who brought up Putin, when he campaigned that Obama was useless and feckless in dealing with Putin and everybody else. He said Putin was a “strong leader”. Trump also said that he didn’t have a problem with the Crimea annexation because the vote was 80%. Putin, for his part, said a few things, but it fell short of an endorsement. Trump said the US and Russia could work together to destroy ISIS.  All this talk does is set up talks between Trump and Putin to see if they can negotiate a deal to help each other with ISIS.

Trump’s support of Brexit could be common ground between Putin and Trump. Putin is not a global warming believer and he ignores the UN with regularity.  He also has an arrest warrant out for George Soros. Trump thinks countries should be sovereign and so does Putin. There may be no end to the common ground we have here. They seem to be on the same side.  It’s Putin and Trump against the UN Globalists. Guess who they are.  That includes Hillary, Obama and the Democrats.

The fact that Obama’s Intelligence agency heads are launching this political attack makes the credibility of the attack problematic.  All of Obama’s agencies are politicized and would engage in Democrat partisan attacks on Republicans. Trumps candor makes this too tempting.  Trump is plain spoken and Democrats think he’s an easy mark.  But every time they try to attack Trump, it’s turns into a Roadrunner cartoon.

The other problem with Obama’s Intelligence agency heads’ involvement is that all Intelligence agencies hack each other’s information. This is the pot calling the kettle black. Why should they be concerned? They all hack each other. 

DNC emails were obtained and published by Wikileaks and they claim that they got the emails from a DNC staffer. The Intelligence heads say that the Russians hacked them and gave them to Wikileaks. The Democrats’ complaint is that these emails damaged Hillary’s campaign.  Well, da!  It was their emails!

Voters are done with the Democrats. Their track record is a train wreck.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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