Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Georgia Abuse of Citizens

As Citizens of Georgia, you may be surprised to learn that, according to exceedingly broad court interpretations of the Georgia Tort Claims Act (GTCA), you have no recourse against state officials who sexually assault you, sexually harass you, slam your head into a door, or even file your teeth down to nubs.




However, The City of Dunwoody has paid thousands of dollars to settle race discrimination lawsuits against one Police Officer for being disrespectful to young Black men during traffic stops.


There are other abuses imposed by the Georgia legislature.


No-Knock Warrants are still approved and have resulted in shooting deaths inflicted on innocent homeowners by Swat Team Police. In two reported cases, Police got bad information from jailed felons and killed two innocent citizens. They break down your door after midnight and enter with guns drawn.


Prosecutors are free to ignore evidence and refuse to prosecute crimes and are not accountable to anybody. This includes District Attorneys and the Attorney General’s office.


Fines and fees imposed by cities and counties have become predatory. UN Agenda 21 Ordinances include unnecessary permits and inspections and high fines and fees for everything. Traffic fines have quadrupled.


Private property rights are abused by UN Agenda 21 implementation of Lane-Use, Zoning rules and Eminent Domain. There are unnecessary EPA “stream buffer” requirements, zoning for tiny lots and tiny homes and unenforced in-fill building codes. City staffs decide and City Councils rubber stamp their demands. Georgia law allows for milk-toast City Councils to ignore their jobs.


The Georgia Municipal Association is the fox who is guarding the chicken coop. They encourage cities to overpay City Managers and Staffs and encourage city policies to be loose with your cash and overuse consultants.  Everybody in government in Georgia obeys them.  They serve as the hub of the “deep state” in Georgia.


Regional Commissions continue to operate to control and influence what your transportation taxes are spent on. They are following UN Agenda 21 implementation of “transit villages”, economic development, on-street bike lanes, multiuse paths and green spaces. Not much is spent on widening roads for cars or maintaining roads. These Regional Commissions usurp decisions that were meant to be decided by elected City Councils and County Commissions.


Cities and Counties bribing companies with tax holidays to establish offices is common. When this is done in “gridlock Zones” like Dunwoody, it’s suicidal.  When this is done to get a manufacturing plant for a small Georgia city that could use the jobs, it is put to the voters on a ballot and they usually agree.


The Hall County Commission hired a company from out of town to revalue Hall County property. The valuations were double what they had been, especially at Lake Lanier. Homeowners had to file suit to prove their case.


The cost of road and highway work continues to double and nobody cares. So, now Counties are putting T-SPLOSTS on the ballot to increase sales taxes for “transportation” that includes “economic development” and recreational paths.


Failure to pay your auto insurance on time will result in being stopped by Police who impound your car, cancel your automobile registration and municipal courts impose fines up to $700. Obviously the insurance companies “show up” at the Georgia legislature and you don’t.


The Georgia legislature changed the sales tax collection process making it harder for with “working poor” to buy a car. The 5% Ga sales tax needs to be paid in full by car buyers. It used to be factored in to the annual Tag tax.


The Cobb County Commission saddled Cobb voters with the new Braves Stadium without voter approval, because loose Ga law allows cities and counties to do whatever they want.


Globalist Multinational Corporation influence over Georgia law is abusive and usurps voter input. If it looks like we might pass a Bill they don’t like, they threaten to leave. They are imposing their globalist “values” on Georgia voters.


Georgia Politics  - Envision a two-story outhouse, with the Georgia Legislature on the top floor and Voters on the bottom floor.

As a Tea Party Leader, I have worked with other Tea Party Leaders and Conservative individuals and groups since 2011.  These folks are volunteers who go down to the Gold Dome to propose changes in Georgia Law to right wrongs and give the voters a break. Up to and including the last GOP State Convention, the “establishment” continues to exercise tight control over any and all “reformers”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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