Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Draining the Swamp

Thanks to Trump, the US Constitution (as written) is back and it still is the “law of the land”. We have a chance to bring the federal government into compliance with the “rule of law” and the “deep state” isn’t going to like it.


The “deep state” is a “government jobs program” with disjointed systems and processes guaranteed to create tremendous waste. Nobody cares about throughput or quality. Government employees who lead these agencies only care about covering their ass and avoiding blame. They are the impenetrable bureaucracy. But these disjointed systems can be fixed and these processes repaired, if these Government agencies would apply the same equipment and processes the private sector companies use to reduce their costs and increase throughput and quality.

Politicians are elected with platitudes and are afraid to be specific because they don’t want to say anything that will lose votes. But voters will vote for politicians who tell the truth.


Our current Federal, State and local laws are geared to shepherd us to the “New World Order” and thanks to Trump, that isn’t going to happen. We are not following Europe into sovereign suicide and socialist poverty.


We need to shrink the government footprint and expand the private sector. Some of this needs to be done immediately to keep our economic rally going. Policies need to be more logical and workable than political. We need to either convert Republican politicians to the Trump agenda or replace them.


We need to de-nationalize and de-regulate lending for mortgages and loans and get out of the insurance business. Banks can continue to insure deposits if they want to keep their customers


We needed to get our corporate taxes competitive decades ago, but that wasn’t the plan then. We need to remove the fraud from the Child tax credit.


We need to cut government spending. Most government departments need processes and systems that actually work, so that wasteful costs can be eliminated. We need to cut unnecessary spending. The Federal government needs to remove all the grants and subsidies they can, especially those that are funneled to Marxist groups and UN Agenda 21 implementation. They need to cut grants to States, because these are bribes to encourage government to transform the US into “transit villages” and we don’t need to spend tax dollars on that.


Our infrastructure is suburban and we need to continue to sprawl.  We have suburban communities with office parks for plants and offices and we need stores and services localized in the community circle for convenience. But internet shopping has already resulted in Mall closures and brick and mortar retail space demand is shrinking. Developers will double down on getting politicians to let them continue to overbuild commercial space with tax subsidies.


Inner-cities are no longer necessary for most Metro residents and would do well to copy the suburban circle concept. Rebuilding part of the inner-cities as cultural centers is possible only if these centers are easy to get to by car and have adequate parking. Most inner-cities need lanes added to streets and highways and more space. This can happen if commercial property values are allowed to decline, so that cities can afford to purchase the space to widen roads and highways. Gridlock, blight and overcrowding will just force businesses to leave the inner-cities. 


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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