Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Hubris is a symptom of bad judgment hiding as infallibility.

It brought down the US automobile companies when they didn’t notice gasoline prices would give foreign auto manufacturers the edge. They were stuck in the 1950s designing muscle cars for the drag races. It is bringing down the Neanderthals in politics and the media. They are stuck in the 1950s when inappropriate sexual advances were the norm.

The poster child for hubris is the Climate “Scientist”, who still supports the global warming hoax. Environmental “Science” has overreached as seen in unnecessary EPA regulations that demand “carbon taxes”, dictate that ethanol must continue to be a corrosive gasoline additive and other similar abuses.

The “Endangered Species Act” has created unnecessary abuse for farmers and ranchers and it killed the timber industry. It needs to be reviewed to remove species that have moved on or no longer exist.  The model for hubris is the “Professor”, followed by the “regulatory zealot”.

Rogue federal agencies should not be allowed to continue to operate forcing targeted citizens to spend their life savings on legal defense based on erroneous agency claims.

Government seizure of land, assets and cash needs to be adjudicated before the seizure is executed or fines are imposed.


The federal government has usurped activities that had been the purview of the States and the States have usurped activities that had been the purview of the Counties. When we observe what has happened, we can identify those activities that are in crisis like Healthcare and Welfare that were better handled at the County level.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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