Saturday, December 30, 2017

Draining the Congressional Swamp

The “swamp” includes most of what goes on inside the entire federal government.  It includes the agencies, the courts and the congress.


Trump sent a signal with the appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court and his other appointments of Federal Judges. 


Draining the congressional swamp requires replacing Senators and House Reps. Many Republicans are joining the Trump agenda and these should be re-elected. Most Democrats need to go.


US Senate Democrats

There are 26 Senate Democrats with scores from 0% to 4%. This indicates a complete distain for the US Constitution (as written). They have violated their oath to protect and defend the US Constitution. See the Scores and the numbers of Senators who have these scores below:


Democrat Senators

Score 0% -   8

Score 2% – 11

Score 4% –  7

Score 6% -   5

Score 7% –  3
Score 8% -   4
Score 10% – 4
Score 11% – 1
Score 12% – 1
Score 14% – 1 Sanders VT
Score 15% - 1
Score 16% - 1
Score 17% - 1 Warren MA
Score 18% - 1

All Senate Democrats need to be replaced

Low Score Republican Senators
Score 12% - 1 Collins ME
Score 17% - 1 Alexander TN
Score 22% - 1 Murkowski AK
Score 24% - 1 Cochran MS

4 Republican Senators need to be replaced.

Low Score Democrat House Reps

Score 0% - 23
Score 3% -  3
Score 4% - 2
Score 5% - 5
Score 6% - 16
Score 7% - 2
Score 8% - 5
Score 9% - 8
Score 10% -13
Score 11% - 8
Score 12% - 14
Score 13% - 7
Score 14% - 24
Score 15% - 14
Score 16% - 9
Score 17% - 5
Score 18% - 4
Score 17% - 6
Score 18% - 19
Score 19% - 6
Score 20% - 17

Low Score Republican House Reps

Score 21% - 1 Curbelo FL
Score 22% 1 Ros Lihtinen FL
Score 23% - 1 Valadeo CA
Score 24% - 1 Diaz Balart FL

The Congressional Review Scorecard counts every vote made by every member.  Those who vote for unconstitutional Bills get low scores.  Those who refuse to support unconstitutional Bills get high scores.

Source: conservative review

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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